Friends Burying Ground, Matinecock, Nassau, New York, USA

Latitude: 40.86550616723017, Longitude: -73.59309313763424 | Click to get directions to Friends Burying Ground

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
Coles Plot
Friends Burying Ground
Valentine Plot


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Amelia Hewlett Headstone
Located  Coles
1. Latitude: 40.865229283597685, Longitude: -73.59290353757319 
Source: Amelia Hewlett Headstone
Source: Amelia Hewlett Headstone
HEWLETT, Amelia (d. 19 Apr 1878)
Ann Titus Headstone
Located  2. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Ann Titus Headstone
Anna C Thorne Headstone
Located  3. Latitude: 40.865311438221035, Longitude: -73.59257815350338  Source: Yankee Cemetery
THORNE, Anna C (d. 8 Feb 1889)
Arthur H Sleigh Headstone
Located    Source: Arthur H Sleigh Headstone
Source: Arthur H Sleigh Headstone
SLEIGH, Arthur H (d. 23 Oct 1945)
Caroline - Wife of James Titus Headstone
Located  4. Latitude: 40.86553862085386, Longitude: -73.59296439160153  Source: Caroline Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Caroline (d. 3 Dec 1876)
Charles F Willits Headstone
Located  5. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Charles F Willits Headstone
WILLETS, Charles F (d. 16 Mar 1925)
Charles Francis Lowell Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Charles Francis Lowell Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Charles Francis Lowell (d. 18 Jan 1908)
Charles Post Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Charles Post Valentine Headstione
VALENTINE, Charles Post (d. 25 Oct 1928)
Charles Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
6. Latitude: 40.86527898349558, Longitude: -73.59227774609371 
Source: Charles Valentine
VALENTINE, Charles (d. 23 Feb 1887)
Edward F Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
7. Latitude: 40.86502258981304, Longitude: -73.59141943920895 
Source: Edward F Coles headstone
COLES, Edward F (d. 3 Jan 1899)
Elizabeth Birdsall Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
8. Latitude: 40.865506166239726, Longitude: -73.59193442333981 
Source: Elizabeth Birdsall Coles Headstone
COLES, Elizabeth Birdsall (d. 9 May 1942)
Elizabeth Mudge Headstone
Located  Valentine
9. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Elizabeth Mudge Headstone
MUDGE, Elizabeth (d. 8 Oct 1875)
Ellwood Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Ellwood Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Ellwood (d. 7 Apr 1930)
Emily N Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
10. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Emily N Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Emily N (d. 4 May 1921)
Emily Townsend Post Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Emily Townsend Post Headstone
POST, Emily Townsend (d. 22 Jan 1925)
Ernest G Marshall Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Ernest G Marshall Headstone
MARSHALL, Ernest G (d. 28 Feb 1933)
Frances S Cocks Headstone
Located  11. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Frances S Cocks Headstone
COCKS, Frances S (d. 1940)
Franklin A Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
12. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Franklin A Coles Headstone
COLES, Franklin Albert (d. 10 Aug 1943)
Frieda Matz Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Frieda Matz Valentine Headstone
MATZ, Frieda (d. 26 Dec 1988)
Gideon Frost Headstone
Located  13. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Gideon Frost Headstone
FROST, Gideon (d. 1880)
Grace O Willits Headstone
Located  14. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Grace O Willits Headstone
Grace O (d. 30 Oct 1965)
Helen Maud Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
15. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Helen Maud Coles
COLES, Helen Maud (d. 4 Aug 1947)
Helen Townsend Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Helen Townsend Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Helen Townsend (d. 16 Mar 1954)
Henry Coles 1944 Headstone
Located  Coles
16. Latitude: 40.86566843915124, Longitude: -73.59292147625729 
Source: Henry Coles Headstone
COLES, Henry (d. 25 Feb 1944)
Henry Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
17. Latitude: 40.865376347624235, Longitude: -73.59266398419186 
Source: Henry Coles Headstone
COLES, Henry (d. 20 Aug 1850)
Henry T Willits Headstone
Located  18. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Henry T Willits Headstone
WILLETS, Henry T (d. 17 Mar 1876)
Henry W Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
19. Latitude: 40.86527898349558, Longitude: -73.59219191540524 
Source: Henry W Coles Headstone
COLES, Henry W (d. 21 Dec 1879)
Isaac Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
20. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Isaac Coles Headstone
COLES, Isaac (d. 2 Nov 1897)
Isaac R Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
21. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Isaac R Coles Headstone
COLES, Isaac R (d. 23 Jun 1937)
Jacob Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
22. Latitude: 40.865376347624235, Longitude: -73.59283564556881 
Source: Yankee Cemetery
VALENTINE, Jacob Lewis (d. 30 Apr 1942)
James Titus Headstone
Located  23. Latitude: 40.86527898349558, Longitude: -73.5915911005859  Source: James Titus Headstone
TITUS, James (d. 15 Sep 1892)
Jane Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
24. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Jane Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Jane (d. 13 Apr 1886)
Jemima Underhill Headstone
Located  25. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Jemima Underhill Headstone
UNDERHILL, Jemima (d. Jun 1874)
John H Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
26. Latitude: 40.86505179997209, Longitude: -73.592149000061 
Source: John H Valentine
VALENTINE, John Hampton (d. 3 Jun 1943)
John T Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
27. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: John T Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, John Titus (d. 15 Aug 1884)
Keziah Whitson Coles Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
28. Latitude: 40.86547371160971, Longitude: -73.59232066143795 
Source: Yankee Cemetery
COLES, Keziah Whitson (d. 23 Aug 1897)
Lewis Valentine 1912 Headstone
Located  Valentine
29. Latitude: 40.865376347624235, Longitude: -73.59287856091305 
Source: Yankee Cemetery
VALENTINE, Lewis (d. 12 Sep 1912)
Lewis Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
30. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Yankee Cemetery
VALENTINE, Lewis (d. 2 Mar 1846)
Maria Kennedy Headstone
Located  31. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Maria Kennedy Headstone
KENNEDY, Maria (d. 3 Apr 1922)
Martha Frost Headstone
Located  32. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Martha Frost Headstone
FROST, Martha (d. 4 Sep 1875)
Mary Jane Post Headstone
Located  33. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Mary Jane Post Headstone
POST, Mary Jane (d. 13 Nov 1906)
Mary Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: Mary Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Mary Jane (d. 23 Feb 1942)
Mary Valentine Titus Headstone
Located  34. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: Mary Valentine Titus Headstone
TITUS, Mary Valentine (d. 21 Mar 1937)
Mary Willits Headstone
Located  Coles
35. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Mary Willits Headstone
WILLETS, Mary (d. 13 Jun 1895)
Ollie C Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
36. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Ollie C
Ollie C (d. 31 Oct 1969)
Sadie Barteau Headstone
Located  Valentine
37. Latitude: 40.865506166239726, Longitude: -73.5924923228149 
Source: Yankee Cemetery
BARTEAU, Sarah Baldwin (d. 16 Jun 1884)
Sallie F Pancoast Headstone
Located  Coles
38. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Sallie F Pancoast Headstone
PANCOAST, Sallie (d. 6 May 1937)
Silas Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
39. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Silas Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Silas (d. 21 Oct 1906)
Susan Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
40. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Susan Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Susan (d. 20 Oct 1918)
Thomas E Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine
41. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Thomas E Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, Thomas Edgar (d. 12 Jun 1925)
Thomas H Coles Headstone
Located  Coles
42. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993 
Source: Thomas H Coles Headstone
COLES, Thomas H (d. 8 Aug 1896)
William Henry Willits Headstone
Located  43. Latitude: 40.8659753, Longitude: -73.5937993  Source: William Henry Willits Headstone
WILLETS, William Henry (d. 2 Nov 1910)
William M Valentine Headstone
Located  Valentine  Source: William M Valentine Headstone
VALENTINE, William Mudge (d. 5 May 1919)

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