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1872 BROWN, CHARLOTTE and Jane (Statutory registers Births 574: 96)
1879 MCCULLOCH, JAMES (Statutory registers Births 473: 26)
James McCulloch birth record
1880 BROWN, WILLIAM (Statutory registers Births 564:1 15)
William Brown birth record
1882 BROWN, AGNES ROXBURGH (Statutory registers Births 564:1 189)
Agnes Brown Birth Record, 1882
1882 JOHNSTON, JAMES (Statutory registers Marriages 564:3 238)
1911 BROWN, JANE, JOHN, HUGH, JAMES, ELIZABETH (Census 564:1 18: 12) Page 12 of 17

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1919 Rose Sheinause narriage record
1922 JOHNSTON, JAMES (Statutory registers Deaths 564:2 55)
1963 BROWN, ELIZABETH (Statutory registers Deaths 768: 9)
Abraham Sheinaus Naturalization record 1897
Abraham Sheinaus' NYTimes obit. March 25, 1957
NYT obit for Abraham Sheinaus (misspelled in obit) March 25, 1957
Adelyn Francis - Walter Scott Kennedy Trapnell Wedding Invitation
Mr. George Calvin Francis
announces the marriage of his sister
Adelyn Beryl
Mr. Walter Scott Kennedy Trapnell
Lieutenant Junior Grade United States Navy
on Saturday, the seventeenth of July
nineteen hundred and twenty-six
Elizabeth City, North Carolina

At home
528 Mowbray Arch
Norfolk, Virginia
Agnes Brown McCulloch death record
Wedding certificate for Agnes Brown and James McCulloch
Let us sing a little song about the Bruces
Let us celebrate that good old Scottish name
Let’s immortalize their faces,
There gentilities and graces
In our own completely private Hall of Fame

As to Charlotte, she’s petite and very gracious
With a pleasant dash of sprightliness and fun
She’s a clever raconteur
And a penny connoisseur
And she holds her own at bridge with anyone

As to Alfred, he is straight and tall and brainy
He’s a rootin’ - tootin’ engineering chief
Oh, he makes the choo-choos choo
And he plays pinochle too
With an everlasting luck beyond belief

Let us sing a little song about the Bruces
May their clouds, if they have any, all disperse
May the guiding star above ‘em
Never leave ‘em for we love ‘em
Which is why we up an busted into verse

Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Bruce, Jan 8, 1938
Ann Folger - Jay Peter Kaufman Wedding Invitation 1949
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Folger
have the honour of
announcing the marriage of their daughter
Mr. Jay Peter Kaufman
Sunday, the sixteenth of January
One thousand, nine hundred and forty-nine
New York
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Anna M Byrne Letter to Barbara Byrne 1916
Anne Trapnell Jenkins - Bruce Erwin Banghart Wedding Invitation (1957)
The Reverend and Mrs. Mark Jenkins
request the honour of your presence
at Clavary Church, Fletcher, North Carolina
upon the occasion of the marriage of their daughter
Anne Trapnell
Mr. Bruce Erwin Banghart
Thursday, June twentieth, at six o'clock in the evening
and afterwards in the Parish House
Calvary Rectory
Fletcher, North Carolina
AS filling aparatus drawing 1918
AS filling aparatus patent 1918
as filling aparatus specs 1918
AS garment hanger drawing
AS garment hanger patent 1940
AS garment hanger specs.1940
Barbara Byrne Letter
Barteau / Valentine Wedding Invitation
Status: Located; Wedding invitation for Sadie Barteau & JL Valentine
Betsey Esterbrook - James Willets Jr. Wedding Invitation 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Grant Esterbrook
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
to Mr. James Willits junior
Saturday the twenty-fourth of June
at half after four o'clock
Cathedral of the Incarnation
Garden City, Long Island

Garden City Bride

Mrs. James Willets jr., the former Miss Betsey Esterbrook, daughter of Judge O. Grant Esterbrook and MRs. Esterbrook whose marriage took place June 24. She will live in Glen Cove, L. I.
Birth certificate of Pavel Berman born Sept. 19,_1926_son of Natan Berman
Birth_Ruth E. Sheinaus (Sheinhaus)
Brad Trapper circa 1970
From Palo Alto Times circa 1970:

Watery Warfare

Warm summer weather inspires a water fight at the Fairmeadow School playground in Palo Alto. Rob Rabirorff aims his giant gun at supervisor Ann Desposito as Brad Trapper (foreground) turns his back to the spray.

(Brad Trapper aka Trapper Byrne)
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Byrne-Drennan Marriage
Catherine Byrne Is a Bride
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Charlotte Burns copy birth record
Copy of the Record of Birth recordees on the Records of the town of Boylston Worcester County Mass during the year 1876.

Full Name of Child: Sharolotha Burns
Sex: F
Birthplace: Boylston
Date of Birth: September 2, 1876
Name of Parents: William and Sarah J. Burns
Residence of Parents: Boylston
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Birthplace of Father: Ireland
Birthplace of Mother: New York
Date of Record: Jan, 1877
Informant: Parent

A true copy from the records. Attest: George L Wright, Town Clerk
Boylston Mass March 1932
Draft Registration - Alvin Dryden Ebi
Closing of Byrne Brothers Hardware
Status: Located; May 1966
"Santa Cruz Old Timers Going Out of Business"
One of Santa Cruz's oldest business firms, Byrne Brothers Hardware, is closing out its books after more than 70 years of continuous operations, it was announced yesterday.
John Byrne and Roy Mayfield, partners in the store since 1930, said details of the close-out sale will be announced Thursday.
Byrne Brothers was established in 1894, when two Michigan brothers, George G. and Walter C. Byrne, arrived in Santa Cruz and bought a tinsmith and woodstore. The original location was on Pacific avenue near the present site of Santa Cruz Savings and Loan.
The business prospered, and in 1905 the firm was moved up the street to its present location at 1531 Pacific ave - 16 Pacific ave in those days. The firm included not only hardware sales, but a plumbing and sheet metal department. The shops behind the store, finally disappeared in 1958, when a city parking lot took over the land.
Mayfield, a native of Tennessee, has been with Byrne Brother for all his business life, joining the firm in 1916. He and John Byrne bought an interest in the company in 1930, buying out the share of George Byrne. The partners in 1930 were Mayfield, Byrne, and John's father, Walter Byrne, one of the founders. An active partner was Helen Byrne, widow of the other founder, George G. Byrne.
For more than 50 years, the store has provided free scales for friends and customers dropping in. An old-style beam platform scale was first used, the sort with sliding weights. Later the Toledo dial scales were installed still in use, regularly tested and sealed for accuracy.
Byrne said neither he nor Mayfield has made plans beyond the closing sale. Once the stock is sold out, they hope to sell the building and site, he said.
Another old-timer about the store is a pickup truck which Byrne described as "of this generation" -- a 1939 truck with the original paint and lettering on it. The truck is still in regular use.
Date: May, 1966
Place: Santa Cruz, CA
Cloyd Valentine & Minnie Packard wedding announcement.
Status: Located;
Owner of original: Boston Globe
Date: Aug 6, 1919
Valentine Coles Trapnell Baptism Certificate
Birth certificate for Valentine Coles Trapnell
Constance Carolyn Coles Birth Announcement 13 April, 1945
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Cook Letter 02-01-1871
Letter from Charles Cook to William Barteau regarding the death of Cook's wife, Sarah Maria (Barteau):

Tuxpan Mexico
February 1st 1871

Dear Brother William

It is with a sorrowful heart I write these few lines to you. When I was on to New York last summer I little thought I should meet with the loss I have met with so soon after my return home. When I arrived home I found Sarah and the Babe both sick and I thought the baby was dangerous but had no idea that Sarah was. In a day or two after I got home Sarah got up around the house and I thought was getting quite well again, so she helped to move the furniture to the vessel and was very anxious to get away and get settled out here. Three days after we left Galveston she was taken with a hemorrhage from the lung and the next day she had four hemorrhages and the next day one so she had six hemorrhages in three days. From that she commenced failing after we got ashore she had inward inflammation set in and it settled in the bladder for about four days. She suffered dreadfully from the inflammation of the bladder which I suppose was the cause of her death. She died on the morning of the 10th of January at 3 o'clock. I had not the least idea that her lungs were affected as the doctors all said that it was bronchitis and not the lungs and I did not feel the least alarm about her until she commenced spitting blood. It was very sudden to us all. She was sick two weeks after she had her first hemorrhage.

Give my love to all of the children and tell them to write to Cecilla. She will keep house for me and keep the children all together which was their mother's request.

I will bid you good bye for this time.

From your Brother,
Charles R Cook
Owner of original: Hugh Byrne
Date: 1 Feb 1871
Place: tuxpan, veracruz, mexico
20.9645689, -97.40449609999996
Cook Letter 05-13-1866
Letter from Charles Cook to William Barteau regarding a minor debt payment owed by Barteau:

San Luis Pass
May 13th / 66

Dear Brother William

I will now with a few lines in acknowledgement of yours that I rec'd on the first of this month. I did not have time to answer it before I left town so I will write now as I have a chance to send this to mail. I was glad to hear that you rec'd the trunk all right. Sarah can tell you more of the particulars about things than I can which I presume she has done as this as she has written to you once or twice since she sent the trunk. I received a letter from Smith Dayton acknowledging the receipt of the money and I wrote to him in case that he should come out early in the fall to draw the remainder of the money from you and bring it to me. I did not give him a draft or order but wrote him to give you a receipt of it in my name. So if he calls on you for it and you have it to spare you can let him have it. I think it likely he may want it to use himself before he gets ready to start out here which I am perfectly willing to in case you can spare it as well as not, for I am a little interested in that vessel with Smith and if he uses the money there it will be the ?? that I shall have to pay when he gets out there.

Sarah is quite complaining just now and has been for some two or three weeks. Cecilla and Charlie are well. We are all on a sand hill roosting on the lookout for some poor being to come along with a cargo to smuggle in which case I am in hopes to make something for if the cargo is worth anything I shall, for I get 1/4 of the value besides my yearly salary. Give my love to the children and tell them that I will try to come and see them a year from this summer if nothing happens and I can get away from here. If I stay keep(?) the situation I am in now I expect it will be hard to get a leave of absence long enough to come on without resigning, and that I don't care to do unless I am sure of doing better. You must write whenever you can take time enough and make it convenient for we are mighty glad to get a letter from home if there is only three lines in it. We have no news here to write for we never see any one or hear anything except in a paper, and it is only when I go to town that we get any of them. I will close for this time from yours,

Fraternally & Sincerely, your Brother
C. R. Cook
Place: san luis pass, texas
29.07819708383888, -95.12627367252196
Drennan Bible
Edna Sarah Valentine - Thomas Tidball Trapnell Wedding Invitation 1909
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lewis Valentine
announce the marriage of their daughter
Edna Sarah
Mr. Thomas Tidball Trapnell
on Saturday, the twentieth of February
One thousand nine hundred and nine
Brookhaven, New York
Edna Valentine - Alfred Bruce Wedding Invitation 1940
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lewis Valentine
announce the marriage of their daughter
Edna Valentine Trapnell
Mr. Alfred William Bruce
on Saturday, the sixteenth of November
One thousand nine hundred and forty
New York City
Eleanor Milicent Trapnell - John Alexander Hilleary Wedding Invitation 1941
Mrs. Joseph Trapnell
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of her daughter
Eleanor Milicent
John Alexander Hilleary
on Saturday the twenty-sixth of
nineteen hundred and forty-one
at half after six o'clock
Memorial Episcopal Church
Baltimore, Maryland
Elizabeth Sellman Trapnell - William J King Wedding Invitation 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trapnell III
announce the marriage of their daughter
Elizabeth Sellman
Major William J. King
United States Marine Corps Reserve
on Friday the eighth of December
nineteen hundred and forty four
Church of the Redeemer
Baltimore, Maryland
Elsa Parma Bartlett - William Colston Trapnell Wedding Invitation 1931
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Perry Bartlett
announce the marriage of their daughter
Elsa Parma
Mr. William Colston Trapnell
on Tuesday, the first of September
nineteen hundred and thirty-one
New York City
Emily George Valentine - Phillips Douglas Phillips Wedding Invitation 1961
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hildreth Valentine
have the honor to announce
the marriage of their daughter
Emily George Valentine
Phillips Douglas Phillips
August twenty-second
nineteen hundred sixty-one
San Francisco, California

At Home
1456 Jones Avenue
San Francisco, California
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Ephraim Asimov document
Ester Poliinkowsky_NY arrival 11.23.1906
Evelina Tucker Bedinger - Philip Asfordby Beatty Wedding Announcement 1954
Mr. Philip Asfordby Beatty
Mrs. Richard Watkins Trapnell
announce their marriage
on Saturday the sixteenth of October
One thousand nine hundred and fifty-four
St. Augustine, Florida
Fannie Orel Hershfield Death Certificate
Fernald Island001
1702 map of Thomas Fernald’s Island (aka Puddington’s Island, Lay Claim Island, Dennett’s Island), later the site of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The land appears to be subdivided amongst his children:

Mr. Pray -- Married to Mary Fernald
Mr. Kelly -- Married to Joanna Fernald
Mr. Atkins -- Married to Patience Fernald
Mr. Henderson -- Married to Sarah Fernald
Samuel Fernald
Hercules Fernald
Mr. Eastwick -- Married to Elizabeth Fernald
Fernald's Island (aka Puddington's, Lay Claim, and Dennett's Island) circa 1702
1702 map of Thomas Fernald’s Island (aka Puddington’s Island, Lay Claim Island, Dennett’s Island), later the site of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The land appears to be subdivided amongst his children:

Mr. Pray -- Married to Mary Fernald
Mr. Kelly -- Married to Joanna Fernald
Mr. Atkins -- Married to Patience Fernald
Mr. Henderson -- Married to Sarah Fernald
Samuel Fernald
Hercules Fernald
Mr. Eastwick -- Married to Elizabeth Fernald
Owner of original: Hugh Byrne
Place: Fernald's Island, Kittery, York, ME, USA
43.0801852, -70.7332019

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Florence Elizabeth Willits - Isaac Hicks Cocks Wedding Invitation 1938
Mr. and Mrs. James Willits
request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding reception of their daughter
FLorence Elizabeth
Mr. Isaac Hicks Cocks
on Seventh Day, twenty-fifth of Sixth Month
Nineteen hundred and thirty-eight
at half after four o'clock
Glen Cove, New York

The favour of an answer is requested
Frances Bland Rawlings - Frederick Holmes Trapnell Wedding Invitation 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ripley Rawlings
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Frances Bland
Mr. Frederick Holmes Trapnell
on Saturday, the twenty-eight of January
One thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine
at eight o'clock in the evening
Second Presbyterian Church
Norfolk, Virginia
October 1st, 1820

List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Middlebury

Francis B. Austin, Asahel, Barns.

Frank Scheiner, Liz Sheinause marriage certificate 12.24.1921
Franklin Waters Death Notice
Frederick Trapnell Obit 1975
Vice-Adm. (retired) Frederick Mckay Trapnell, 72, who commanded .the aircraft carriers Breton and Coral Sea in the Pacific in World War II. A 1923 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he served on the dirigibles Akron and Macon and in the later 20s was a member of an aerial acrobatic team. Died in San Diego.
Garrett Rue Court Record 1887
Certificate of marriage for George G Byrne Jr. & Laura Josephine Norris, 1922
Gilbert Byrne to Barbara Byrne 1926
Santa Cruz
Nov-5 1926

Dear Barbara,

I have been waiting 1 hr and 3 quarters for the parade & it gives me a pain. I could be reading the Horseman of the Planes at home & see the parade. I am in the stands wrighting this standing up. And then the parade began. It was funny as anything. They had men bathing beauties and most of them weighed 200 lbs. They had a baby parade and fake men nurses. I am wrighting this in school at Mission Hill Nov 9, 1926. You can show this letter to Helen Jo if you feel like. I better stop & get my arithmetic. Mr. Scott is going. Worked 2 hr 17 min on arithmetic doing 10 problems.

Grandpa Abraham Sheinaus
Abraham Sheinaus (c) 1950
Heman Austin Mysterious Shot
From Los Angeles Herald, 09 Apr 1881:?

Mysterious Shot
Grass Valley, April .8—Nicholas Permewer, a native of Cornwall, England, and a gardener by occupation, aged about 65, was shot dead in an upper hallway of tbe Pacific Hotel this morning. There was no witness to the affair, although the shot was heard by a number of lodgers in tbe house, some of whom also heard Permewer say, "She has shot me." The shooting seems to have occurred near the door of a room occupied by Mrs. Heman Austin. In her was found a shotgun with 1 barrel recently discharged. Mrs. Austin was arrested, but the Coroner's Jury found that deceased came to his death at the hands of a person unknown.
Henry Dryden Phoebe Mankin wedding license
Henry Dryden Sadie Stice Wedding License
Henry Lerner death certificate 1936
(added note at top) No! I didn't have any trouble about baggage coming over & have not done any more of the fool tricks I did.

Mobile Hospital #1
Dec 10, 1918

My dear Edna:

I expect you think I am mean not to have written for so long but I expect Nell has kept you occasionally posted as in several of her letters she has said 'I have written to Edna'. I received your very interesting letter of Sept 22nd after I left Beauvais & joined this outfit & life has been as strenuous & such a rush since that I didn't even attempt to write any personal letters except to Nell.

I wish I could write you a long letter and tell you the many things I have seen & experiences I have been through but can only send a short one this time for while we are not busy just at this time yet conditions of living make it difficult to write. I am in my tent with one candle for light and my ever ready knee is my usual writing table. I saw much of interest around Montdidier when I had headquarters at Beauvais but it was quiet there compared to what it has been here. About Oct 1st I had a wire to report to Paris immediately & on arrival there was assigned to Mobile Hospital #1 & told to take train to Bar le Duc & find the outfit from there. I expected to be several days finding it as it was just back of the fighting front at Verdun but located it & arrived bag & baggage that night, a very fortunate & thankful man.

Mobile #1 is entirely in tents & moves with the battle front & receives only the worst wounded cases which cannot be moved back further. When there was a drive or there would be a constant stream day & night, we would operate & as soon as possible pass them on back to an evacuation hospital, the last month of the war we operated 1077 cases & I had 227 burials. This will give you some idea. We were & are yet constantly in wind & rain. We wade in mud, sleep in mud, eat in mud. There is no escape. We were always within range of the enemy guns & frequently shelled & bombed but our work went quietly and incessantly on regardless of days or inconvenience, our brave boys were coming back in need & the Drs & nurses stuck to their job as long as there was the need.

I was in Verdun one day while it was being shelled & one of the big fellows broke right over my head. I heard the whine but before I could think to duck it had exploded & the shrapnell was pattering down around me but my name wasn't on it & it didn't touch me. Two days after we moved from that location it was shelled & the outfit that followed us there had a number of their personnel killed & wounded, we were very fortunate to get through with out any casualties.

Mail was just brought in and I drew from your letters, two from Nell, Nov 10th the last & one from a poor little woman in Austin, Texas, the wife of a Capt. Moore whose husband I buried Oct 16th & I wrote her, it was her only notice & her letter is just heart breaking. We were at the foot of Dead Man's Hill & the famous Hill 304 when the end came. That is a desolate and God forsaken country. I never saw a place so torn up. We later moved up near Dun & as I went over the battle field we saw most awful sights, many of our own boys, as well as Coche(? illegible), were lying unburied where they had fallen two & three weeks before, some bodies only in part & no possible way of identification. I buried all we found.

We are now near what was the town of Varennes, a railhead, awaiting orders to entrain for Germany. It is raining hard. I just looked at my bed & found a nice puddle of water on my pillow & elsewhere & have moved to what I hope may be free from deluge.

I am well and feeling fine & notwithstanding inconveniences am glad to be at the front as long as I have to be over here. Did Tom get over? Love to all. Don't know when I'll get home. Hope to see you in NY when I come. Am delighted to hear if you can find time to write. Tell Val to work hard at school & see how much he will know when I see him next.

Hugh Brown Obit
Hugh Brown Obit
Letter from Hugh Brown to Jack & Sally Byrne from 1983, following his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame earlier that year. Gives a great flavor for Hugh Brown’s personality.
Brown Is Award Winner
Ian Trapnell Brown Birth Announcement
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Irene Marianna Kukawka - Hunter Ripley Rawlings, III Wedding Invitation 1967
Mrs. Stanley Kukawka
has the honour of announcing
the marriage of her daughter
Irene Marianna
Mr. Hunter Ripley Rawlings, III
on Saturday the seventh of January
nineteen hundred and sixty-seven
Dearborn, Michigan
Isaac Polakoff's naturalization intent 1926
Isaac Polakoff_1903 intent to become a US citizen
Memory Failed

Aged Chatham Resident Wanders Here: Believed Amnesia Victim

Believed to be a victim of amnesia, James Rawling, 73, was taken to his home in Chatham from Edgewater today after spending the night in a cell at the Borough police station.

Rawling was found by the police shortly after 9 o’clock last night wandering aimlessly through the Ferry Plaza in Edgewater. He was unable to tell where he lived but he said he thought it might be in Chatham. He said he had frequent lapses of memory.

Chatham police notified Edgewater Police Department this morning that Rawling lived in that town and that one of his friends would call in Edgewater and bring him home. He was taken home before noon.

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