| Thumb |
Description |
Cemetery |
Status |
Linked to |
1 |
 | Abigail Hulse
| Barteau Cemetery
40.79233651406306, -72.9116678237915
| Located |
2 |
 | Abigail Powers Widow of John Byrne / died Dec 9, 1856 / Age 97 yrs & 5 days
| Windham Center Cemetery
| Located |
3 |
 | Ada Byrne Smith
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
4 |
 | Ada Probasco (Trapnell) Headstone for Ada Probasco Trapnell, Zion Cemetery, Charles Town, WV
| Zion Cemetery
39.289001, -77.856117
| Located |
5 |
 | Addie Magginni
| IOOF Cemetery
36.858239093474346, -121.41073849206538
| Located |
6 |
 | Alice Fernald Drennan Headstone
| IOOF Cemetery
36.98710274308333, -122.02624082565308
| Located |
7 |
 | Alice Fernald Drennan Headstone
| IOOF Cemetery
36.98731698984809, -122.02642321586609
| Located |
8 |
 | Alvin Dryden Ebi
| IOOF Cemetery
36.858403013068155, -121.4110279083252
| Located |
9 |
 | Amelia Hewlett Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.865229283597685, -73.59290353757319
| Located |
10 |
 | Ann Titus Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
11 |
 | Anna Barteau Shepard
| Cedar Grove
40.76981681198812, -73.01934242248535
| Located |
12 |
 | Anna Berman and Judah Asimov Headstone
| Mount Golda Cemetery
40.814826, -73.380316
| Located |
13 |
 | Anna C Thorne Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.865311438221035, -73.59257815350338
| Located |
14 |
 | Anna M Byrne 1859-1918
| Mount Evergreen
| |
15 |
 | Anna Marie Rue (Austin)
| IOOF Cemetery
36.86094394142341, -121.4102554321289
| Located |
16 |
 | Anne Powers Headstone In memory of Mrs. Anne Byrne, wife of John Byrne, who died July 10 1819
| Windham Center Cemetery
| |
17 |
 | Arlington National Cemetery On Grant Road, in Arlington Cemetery
| Arlington National Cemetery
| |
18 |
 | Arthur H Sleigh Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
| Located |
19 |
 | Arthur Smith Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2375, -84.411047
| Located |
20 |
 | Augusta (Gussie) Barteau
| Cedar Grove
40.77007682324887, -73.01891326904297
| Located |
21 |
 | Baby Drennan Headstone
| IOOF Cemetery
36.98710274308333, -122.02607989311218
| Located |
22 |
 | Barbara Ebi headstone
| Vistula Christian Church Cemetery
41.75435903721774, -85.72787940502167
| Located |
23 |
 | Barteau Cemetery
| Barteau Cemetery
40.79191413682043, -72.9117751121521
| |
- Barteau Cemetery, Brookhave, Suffolk, NY, USA
- Barteau Cemetery, Brookhaven, NY, USA
- Barteau Cemetery, Brookhaven, Suffolk, NY, USA
24 |
 | Benjamin G Mosher Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
25 |
 | Benjamin Scheiner, Headstone, Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY Benjamin Scheiner, Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY
| |
26 |
 | Benjamin Trapnell Headstone Headstone for Benjamin Trapnell, Zion Cemetery, Charles Town, WV
| Zion Cemetery
39.289001, -77.856117
| Located |
27 |
 | Bess Scheiner, Headstone, Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY Bess Leon Scheiner, Acacia Cemetery
| |
28 |
 | Byrne Monument - Mt. Evergreen
| Mount Evergreen
| Located |
29 |
 | Captain Fletchers Grave
| |
30 |
 | Caretaker Home at English Cemetery
| |
31 |
 | Caroline - Wife of James Titus Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.86553862085386, -73.59296439160153
| Located |
32 |
 | Catharine Shelhammer Headstone Catherine Shelhammer Ebi Headstone
| Thompson Cemetery Thompson Cemetery
41.7939801, -85.7554493
| Located |
33 |
 | Charles F Willits Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
34 |
 | Charles Francis Lowell Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
35 |
 | Charles Herbert Shepard
| Cedar Grove
40.76981681198812, -73.01878452301025
| Located |
36 |
 | Charles Post Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
37 |
 | Charles Richard King
| IOOF Cemetery King
| Located |
38 |
 | Charles Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
40.86527898349558, -73.59227774609371
| Located |
39 |
 | Charles W Norman Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
40 |
 | Charlotte Gray Byrne Headstone In memory of Charlotte Gray, Daughter of Samuel H and Mary Byrne
| Windham Center Cemetery
| |
41 |
 | Clara A Byrne 1857-1934
| Mount Evergreen
| |
42 |
 | Coles Plot
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
43 |
 | Conover Rue Austin & Belle Mullin Austin
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85888373572304, -121.41197204589844
| Located |
44 |
 | David Ebi Headstone
| Vistula Christian Church Cemetery
41.75435503532572, -85.72780430316925
| Located |
45 |
 | Drennan Family Marker
| IOOF Cemetery
36.987239861082294, -122.0263159275055
| Located |
46 |
 | Earl A Ebi Headstone looks identical to that of Grace Austin's 2nd husband, Frank Haller, who had just died a few months prior, and is buried nearby. Assume that Grace (Earl's aunt) had a role in the burial and stone.
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85943312934033, -121.40922546386719
| Located |
47 |
 | Edith Drennan (Gragg) Headstone
| IOOF Cemetery
36.98721415147632, -122.02619791030884
| Located |
48 |
 | Edward F Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.86502258981304, -73.59141943920895
| Located |
49 |
 | Eliza Byrne Mosher headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
50 |
 | Eliza Byrne Scotford Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
51 |
 | Eliza Liggett
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85854036270666, -121.4113712310791
| Located |
52 |
 | Elizabeth Birdsall Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.865506166239726, -73.59193442333981
| Located |
53 |
 | Elizabeth Fernald Only visible headstone in Fernald family plot at Portsmouth Naval Ship Yard
| Fernald Plot
43.077104146438685, -70.72930321097374
| Located |
54 |
 | Elizabeth Mudge Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
55 |
 | Ellen Byrne Headstone
| Windham Center Cemetery
| |
56 |
 | Ellwood Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
57 |
 | Emily N Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
58 |
 | Emily Townsend Post Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
59 |
 | Emma Armstrong Headstone Emma Armstrong, Widow of Samuel Gray Byrne, Died Sept 22 1908, Aged 75
| Windham Center Cemetery
| |
60 |
 | Ernest G Marshall Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
61 |
 | Eunice Rives
| IOOF Cemetery King
| Located |
62 |
 | Evelina Bedinger (Trapnell) and Richard Watkins Trapnell headstone Headstone for Evelina Tucker Bedinger Trapnell Beatty and Richard Watkins Trapnell, Zion Cemetery, Charles Town, Jackson, WV, USA
| Zion Cemetery
39.289001, -77.856117
| Located |
63 |
 | Fanny Scheiner, age 16, May 08, 1903, Headstone, Acacia Cemetery 83-94 Liberty Ave. Ozone Park, Queens_2 Fanny Scheiner, 16, May 8, 1903, Acacia Cemetery, Queens NY
| |
64 |
 | Fay Ross Dryden
| IOOF Cemetery
36.8588150612432, -121.41119956970215
| Located |
65 |
 | Fernald Cemetery, W Beech Road, North Berwick, Maine Family plot for Oliver Fernald family, including his parents, Hercules Fernald and Miriam Persley/Pursley.
| Fernald Cemetery
43.32444401303691, -70.79486846923828
| |
66 |
 | Fernald family plot, Portsmouth Navy Yard, Kittery, Maine.
| Fernald Plot
43.0770698607784, -70.72927236557007
| Not yet located |
67 |
 | Fernald plot information sign (#1) History of Fernald Island as part of Portsmouth Navy Yard, where Fernald plot still remains.
| Fernald Plot
43.077085534225475, -70.72930455207825
| |
68 |
 | Fernald Plot Portsmouth Navy Yard Maine
| |
69 |
 | Frances S Cocks Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
70 |
 | Francis Barteau
| Cedar Grove
40.7701418259051, -73.01878452301025
| Located |
71 |
 | Francis Drennan Fletcher Grave
| |
72 |
 | Franklin A Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
73 |
 | Frederica Holmes Trapnell & Anne White Trapnell (Hart) Headstone for Frederica Holmes Trapnell and Anne White Trapnell (Hart), Zion Cemetery, Charles Town, Jefferson, WV, USA
| Zion Cemetery
39.289001, -77.856117
| Located |
74 |
 | Frieda Matz Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
75 |
 | Friends Burying Ground
| Friends Burying Ground
40.86521407399696, -73.59116194714352
| |
76 |
 | Frost-Headstone-Olivet
| Olivet Memorial Park Columbarium
| Cremated |
More Links |
77 |
 | Garrett Rue and Sarah Stewart (Rue)
| IOOF Cemetery
36.858780723980125, -121.41141414642334
| Located |
78 |
 | George Byrne Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
79 |
 | George Griffing Byrne 1833-1891
| Mount Evergreen
| |
80 |
 | George W Scotford Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
81 |
 | George Washington Austin
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85984517196147, -121.4095687866211
| Located |
82 |
 | Gideon Frost Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
83 |
 | Gilbert R Byrne Headstone
| Mount Evergreen
42.2376565, -84.4113574
| Located |
84 |
 | Grace Alma Austin (Ebi-Haller)
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85943312934033, -121.40862464904785
| Located |
85 |
 | Grace O Willits Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
86 |
 | Hannah Hawkins (Barteau)
| Cedar Grove
40.76994681774567, -73.01856994628906
| Located |
87 |
 | Harriet Bartow Harriet, Wife of John Bartow, Died April 12, 1834, Ae 30 ys 11 mo & 16 ds
An angels arm cant snatch me from the grave
Legions of angels cant confine me there
| Barteau Cemetery
40.791548615884054, -72.91261196136475
| Located |
88 |
 | Harriet Bartow Headstone
40.79220103509038, -72.91186364177247
| Located |
89 |
 | Hazzard Gragg Headstone
| IOOF Cemetery
36.98710274308333, -122.02609062194824
| Located |
90 |
 | Headstone - Flora and Usual Ebi
| IOOF Cemetery
36.85984517196147, -121.4095687866211
| Located |
More Links |
91 |
 | Helen Maud Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
92 |
 | Helen Townsend Valentine Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Valentine
| Located |
93 |
 | Henrietta Earley Byrne 1838 - 1910
| Mount Evergreen
| |
94 |
 | Henry Clifford Dryden
| IOOF Cemetery
36.859295781306265, -121.41111373901367
| Located |
95 |
 | Henry Coles 1944 Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.86566843915124, -73.59292147625729
| Located |
96 |
 | Henry Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.865376347624235, -73.59266398419186
| Located |
97 |
 | Henry T Willits Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground
40.8659753, -73.5937993
| Located |
98 |
 | Henry W Coles Headstone
| Friends Burying Ground Coles
40.86527898349558, -73.59219191540524
| Located |
99 |
 | Hephzibah Curtis Headstone
| Barteau Cemetery
40.792353, -72.911518
| Located |
100 |
 | Hercules Fernald & Miriam Persley headstone Headstone for Hercules Fernald & Miriam Persley, located at Fernald family plot in North Berwick, Maine. Headstone was marked with flag, in tribute to Hercules' contribution as a patriot in the American Revolution.
| Fernald Cemetery
43.32444401303691, -70.79492211341858
| Located |
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