IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA

Latitude: 36.85764758564406, Longitude: -121.41034126281738 | Click to get directions to IOOF Cemetery

IOOF Cemetery. Buena Vista Road at Acacia Street, Hollister, CA 95023

The name and address of each director and officer of the cemetery authority may be obtained by contacting the cemetery and the Funeral Bureau of the State of California, 1625 N Market Blvd. #208, Sacramento, CA 95834 (800-952-5210)

Superintendent: John Sander, Black Cooper Sander Funeral Home, 363 7th Street, Hollister, CA 95023 (831-637-3793)

Endowment care trustees: Ron Klauer, Mike Pulido, Richard Edvenson

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
Hollister IOOF cemetery
IOOF Cemetery. Buena Vista Road at Acacia Street, Hollister, CA  
IOOF Cemetery Hollister, CA


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Addie Magginni
Located  1. Latitude: 36.858239093474346, Longitude: -121.41073849206538  MAGGINNI, Addie Eugenia (d. 13 Sep 1984)
Alvin Dryden Ebi
Located  2. Latitude: 36.858403013068155, Longitude: -121.4110279083252  EBI, Alvin Dryden (d. 25 Apr 1942)
Anna Marie Rue (Austin)
Located  3. Latitude: 36.86094394142341, Longitude: -121.4102554321289  RUE, Anna Marie (d. 11 Oct 1938)
Charles Richard King
Located  King  KING, Charles Richard (d. 18 Jun 1927)
Conover Rue Austin & Belle Mullin Austin
Located  4. Latitude: 36.85888373572304, Longitude: -121.41197204589844  AUSTIN, Conover Rue (d. 22 Feb 1953)
MULLEN, Isabell (d. 28 Sep 1903)
Earl A Ebi
Headstone looks identical to that of Grace Austin's 2nd husband, Frank Haller, who had just died a few months prior, and is buried nearby. Assume that Grace (Earl's aunt) had a role in the burial and stone.  
Located  5. Latitude: 36.85943312934033, Longitude: -121.40922546386719  EBI, Earl Augustus (d. 24 Jan 1973)
Eliza Liggett
Located  6. Latitude: 36.85854036270666, Longitude: -121.4113712310791  LIGGETT, Eliza (d. 31 May 1892)
Eunice Rives
Located  King  RIVES, Eunice Irella (d. 17 Jan 1957)
Fay Ross Dryden
Located  7. Latitude: 36.8588150612432, Longitude: -121.41119956970215  DRYDEN, Fay Ross (d. 24 Jan 1941)
Garrett Rue and Sarah Stewart (Rue)
Located  8. Latitude: 36.858780723980125, Longitude: -121.41141414642334  RUE, Garrett C. (d. 14 Jul 1890)
STEWART, Sarah Ann (d. 15 Jan 1932)
George Washington Austin
Located  9. Latitude: 36.85984517196147, Longitude: -121.4095687866211  AUSTIN, George Washington (d. 14 Mar 1925)
Grace Alma Austin (Ebi-Haller)
Located  10. Latitude: 36.85943312934033, Longitude: -121.40862464904785  AUSTIN, Grace Alma (d. 21 Jun 1986)
Headstone - Flora and Usual Ebi
Located  11. Latitude: 36.85984517196147, Longitude: -121.4095687866211  Family: EBI, Usual Augustus / DRYDEN, Flora Helen
Source: Headstone
DRYDEN, Flora Helen (d. 12 Nov 1945)
DRYDEN, Flora Helen (d. 12 Nov 1945)
EBI, Usual Augustus (d. 11 Oct 1941)
EBI, Usual Augustus (d. 11 Oct 1941)
Henry Clifford Dryden
Located  12. Latitude: 36.859295781306265, Longitude: -121.41111373901367  DRYDEN, Henry Clifton (d. 15 Sep 1898)
Huldah Newton
Located    NEWTON, Huldah (d. 30 Nov 1893)
Ivon R King
Located  King
13. Latitude: 36.8564423, Longitude: -121.41044799999997 
KING, Ivon Richard (d. 26 Dec 1940)
John Hull King
Located  King  KING, John Hull (d. 3 May 1925)
Jonathan Augustine Dryden
Located    DRYDEN, Jonathan Augustine (d. 14 May 1877)
King plot marker
Located  King  KING, Charles Richard (d. 18 Jun 1927)
KING, Ivon Richard (d. 26 Dec 1940)
KING, John Hull (d. 3 May 1925)
KING, Vena Irella (d. 1892)
RIVES, Eunice Irella (d. 17 Jan 1957)
Lester Gail Garner
Located  14. Latitude: 36.8570802, Longitude: -121.4104154  GARNER, Lester Gail (d. 29 Jul 1949)
Lucy Rue (Garner)
Located  15. Latitude: 36.85888373572304, Longitude: -121.41077041625977  RUE, Lucy A (d. 7 Dec 1900)
Myrtle Garner
    ?, Myrtle R (d. 7 May 1959)
Nathaniel Legett Dryden
Located    DRYDEN, Nathaniel Legget (d. 23 Jan 1932)
Olive Easily Rue Headstone
Located    RUE, Olive Esalia (d. 1 Dec 1927)
RUE, Olive Esalia (d. 1 Dec 1927)
Otto Franklin Haller
From a letter Frank's wife, Grace, wrote to her daughter, Vivian, shortly after Frank's death, Frank specifically requested not to have the same headstone as the other Ebis (assume this was cost). Grace was going to get him one anyway, but reconsidered and chose one similar to that for her nephew, Earl Ebi, who had recently died.  
    HALLER, Otto Franklin (d. 23 May 1976)
Quincy VR Serles
Located    SERLES, Quincy Van Rinslar (d. 5 Jan 1910)
Roy Dryden
Located    DRYDEN, Roy (d. 6 Aug 1883)
Vena King
Located  King  KING, Vena Irella (d. 1892)
Willard Garner
    GARNER, Willard Lee (d. 29 Oct 1955)
Willard L Garner
    GARNER, Willard L (d. 23 Mar 1992)
William Garner
    GARNER, William Henry (d. 29 Nov 1927)
William Henry Garner monument
    GARNER, William Henry (d. 29 Nov 1927)

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. ?, Roma B   bur. 1994 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2042
2. AUSTIN, Annie Franklin   bur. 23 Dec 1915 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I593
3. AUSTIN, George Washington   bur. 16 Mar 1925 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I172
4. AUSTIN, Grace Alma   bur. 24 Jun 1986 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I167
5. BALCH, Adelaide   d. 21 Oct 1894 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2124
6. DRYDEN, Flora Helen   bur. 14 Nov 1945 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I350
7. DUNCAN, James Theodore   d. Dec IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2977
8. DUNCAN, Robert Daniel    IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2972
9. DUNCAN, Robert Daniel Jr   d. 3 Oct 1968 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2976
10. EBI, Earl Augustus   d. 24 Jan 1973 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I612
11. EBI, James Archer   bur. 4 Feb 1941 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I351
12. GARNER, Valentine   bur. 11 Nov 1890 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I1665
13. GARNER, Willard L   bur. 1992 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2039
14. GARNER, Willard Lee   bur. 1955 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I1663
15. KING, Charles Richard   bur. 21 Jun 1927 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2102
16. KING, Ivon Richard   d. 26 Dec 1940 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I602
17. KING, John Hull   d. 3 May 1925 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I604
18. KING, Vena Irella   d. 1892 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2197
19. MARTIN, William A   d. 13 Jun 1889 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I4954
20. RIVES, Eunice Irella   d. 17 Jan 1957 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2101
21. RUE, Garrett C.   bur. 20 Jul 1890 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I175
22. RUE, Lucy A   bur. 9 Dec 1900 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I1238
23. RUE, Olive Esalia   bur. 3 Dec 1927 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I1240
24. SERLES, Quincy Van Rinslar   bur. 7 Jan 1910 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I1241
25. STEWART, Sarah Ann   d. 15 Jan 1932 IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I176
26. STONE, Virginia    IOOF Cemetery, Hollister, San Benito, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I2974

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