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Richard Trapnell Letter to Edna Valentine Trapnell 25 Sep 1914
Point of Rocks MD, 9/25/1914
Mrs. Thos. T. Trapnell
My dear Niece Edna,
I wish to assure most positively that it was a pleasure for Thos' Uncle Dick to accord his wife all the information I gave him. It was no trouble at all as I have the most of in stored in my brain and the flow of the pen brings not as rapid a memory. The close of my letters usually indicate the same when I am in a hurry to keep up. I don't quite recall did I send you a booklet of The Course Psaxxx(?) of Holy Trinity Church this place. If not I'd like for you to possess it & I'd like to know xx xx Mr. Cxx's find. I have given a Memorial Altar Cross to the Church here...the...made by Gosham of yr city. The inscription upon it is To The Glory of God and in Memory of John Tropenell who suffered death at the stake for the denial of the Roman Dogma of Transubstantiation at Bradford on Avon Wiltshire England. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church 1518. This I may have told you in my letter. My great Grandfather was John also and so is or was the one Mr. Cope speaks of John, & Tom has a brother John. It's all a delightful endeavor to me. I understand that Ben Trapnell has some of the Trapnell plate with the coat of arms. I'd like to know if it's so where he picked up in England. There is at Statesboro GA a Firm Trapnell Mitchell & Co. Ladies ready to wear Goods Gents & Boys Furnishings Dry Goods, Notions & Shoes. B.A. Trapnell write him but don't mention yr informant & let me know results.
Faithfully Yr Uncle R.W. Trapnell
File name | R Trapnell Ltr 09-25-14001.pdf |
File Size | 963.31k |
Linked to | TRAPNELL, Richard Watkins |
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