Byrne-Drennan Nuptials

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  • Title Byrne-Drennan Nuptials 
    Date 7 Jun 1899 
    Locality California Digital Newspaper Collection 
    Media Scanned image of newspaper 
    Periodical San Francisco Call 
    Source Type Newspaper 
    Source ID S536 
    SANTA CRUZ, June 6.— Walter C. Byrne and Miss Mabel Drennan were married this morning at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Louisa Drennan.
    The interior of the home presented a beautiful appearance. The back parlor, where the ceremony was solemnized, was decorated with festoons of smilax, woodwardia ferns and the pure white wax lily, which was the only flower used. The main parlor was decorated with sweet peas. The young couple stood in the bay-win-dow and the beautiful Episcopal service was road by Rev. James B. Orr of the First Congregational Church. The bride was gowned in a silk dress of blue— the same one used by her mother at her wedding. Miss Drennan was attended by her sister, Miss Dora Drennan, and Mr. Byrne by Thomas G. McCreary. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony. The tables had been placed in the lawn under the trees, and in this natural garden spot with the addition of immense clusters of azaleas the breakfast was enjoyed. Mrs. Byrne is a native of Santa Cruz and a graduate of the local high school and the State Normal School. For a number of years she has taught in the Santa Cruz schools. Mr. Byrne is a member of the firm of Byrne Bros. 
    Linked to
    Families: 1
    Family: BYRNE, Walter Charles / DRENNAN, Mabel Louise 

  • Documents
    Byrne-Drennan Marriage

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