Source Information

  • Author Peter Ross 
    Publisher Lewis Publishing Company, 1902 
    Page 369-371 
    Periodical A History of Long Island: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 3 
    Source Type Book 
    Source ID S704 

    Jesse M Hewlett a coal and Wood merchant a and progressive young business man of the twenty-sixth ward, Brooklyn, New York was born at Great Neck Long Island August 22, 1858, a son of Henry P and Charity (Mott) Hewlett, the former now deceased. The paternal ancestors were English, three brothers of this family coming from England and settling on Long Island at an early date in the history of this country. Israel Hewlett, the grandfather of our subject, was a son of George W Hewlett, and was born on Long Island, where he spent his entire life, engaged extensively in agricultural pursuits. He married Elizabeth Hewlett and their children were Henry, deceased; Fannie, deceased wife of William Willits; Charles; John C., a minister in the Protestant Episcopal church at Providence, Rhode Island; William W., a physician at Babylon Long Island; George W., a produce merchant of New York; Sarah E., who married C. C. Hagerman and both are deceased; and Mary the wife of Benjamin Wooley, at Little Neck.

    Henry Hewlett was educated in the old-time schools of Long Island, was engaged in the occupation of farming and conductinga dairy and was also a reporter for a mercantile agency. He and his wife became the parents of two sons Jesse M and Harry, now deceased.

    Jesse M Hewlett acquired his education in the public schools, and from an early age was engaged in the dairy business up to 1896 and since that date has been engaged in his present business. He was married in Brooklyn April 12, 1882, to Margaret Mott daughter of Charles and Mary Mott. Their children are Sarah E and Jessie M. In his political affiliations he was a Republican and in his religious faith an adherent of the Methodist Episcopal church.

    The Hewlett family has been identified with Queens county since Long Island was first settled by white people, but the date of their emigration from England the particulars regarding their occupation of Ricker's Island and the history of their final settlement on the south coast of Queens county are matters of tradition rather than history. Traditions agree, however, that the ancestor was George Hewlett who with his four sons came to America about 1660. After sharing the hospitality of the Ryker family for a short time, they took possession of the two small islands formerly known as Hewlett's Islands, now called the Brothers. After remaining there a few years they removed to the south side of Long Island and settled at a place called Merrick in the town of Hempstead. In due time the sons made settlements for themselves. Daniel, the eldest remained on the homestead and at his death left five sons and three daughters. George, the second son, settled at the foot of Great Neck, in North Hempstead, and left three sons and daughters. Lewis, the third son, settled at the head of Cow Neck, and at his death left two sons and five daughters. John, the youngest son, took up his abode at Rockaway Long Island and had six children, two sons and four daughters. One son remained at home. The other, known as John second, married Hannah, the sister of Colonel John Jackson, and removed to East Woods, now Woodbury, in the town of Oyster Bay.

    Samuel Hewlett, probably a grandson of Lewis Hewlett, was married when sixty years of age to Ruth Willia, of Cedar Swamp, and they had a family of four sons and a daughter. Lewis, the eldest, lived and died on the old homestead; Phoebe, the second child, married Walter Jones, and after the death of her husband lived lwith her brother, William; James, the second son, died at sea leaving no family; Samuel, the third son, married a Miss Hewlett of Cold Spring, and spent his life on a farm in Strongtown; William Hewlett, the youngest of this family, was born October 19 1784. His first wife was Martha, a daughter of Thomas Thorne. Mrs Hewlett came into possession by inheritance of half of her father's farm, to which they removed about 1820, and they subsequently purchased from her sister the remaining half. This property was formerly owned by the Kissam family. Their children were: William Henry and Martha M, who married John S Morrell. Mr Hewlett devoted some of his time during his whole life to farming. He was also for some time engaged in the manufacture of paper in a mill on a stream in front ofhis home, was also a manufacturer of cotton goods and in 1867 built a sawmill. He never coveted political honors, but on the contrary preferred to follow a quiet life, his prominent characteristics being benevolence and humility. He led an unassuming life and died October 5, 1866, leaving as the result of his industry and frugality, a good property to his widow and son, William Henry, who at his father's death succeeded to the management of the grist mill on the premises, which in his father's time was patronized by hundreds of those whose children and grandchildren will remember both mill and miller.

    The branch of the Hewlett family that has given name to Hewlett's Point in North Hempstead traces its descent from George Hewlett, who at one time resided on Ricker's Island. After a brief stay there he removed to the central part of Long Island and for several years was a resident of Hempstead. In 1746, one of this family removed to what is now known as Great Neck, and here, in 1756, his descendants became the owners of that part of the Neck which has ever since borne the name of Hewlett's Point. The title deed was executed by Luke Haviland, and conveyed about two hundred and fifty acres to Joseph Hewlett. The document was acknowledged May 6 1757 and passed for record by Joseph Kissam, one of His Majesty's justices, assistant of the common court of pleas. At his death, Joseph Hewlett bequeathed this property to his son, Lawrence Hewlett, and he in turn left it by will to his son Joseph Lawrence Hewlett, who was the last of this family to own the whole of the original estate.

    Joseph Lawrence Hewlett was born July 12, 1780 and died July 3 1849. He was first married at Jamaica, Long Island, August 30, 1800, to Hannah Wickes, who died March 4, 1816, leaving one son, Joseph Lawrence, Jr., and one daughter, Harriet. The former, born January 4, 1809, was married January 20, 1836, to Mary T Cornwell. Harriet was born November 1, 1814, and on May 23, 1834, married William Mitchell Smith. Joseph L Hewlett was married the second time December 15, 1818, Elizabeth Van Wyck becoming his wife. She died August 29, 1875. Their children were Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, Susan M., Abraham Van Wyck, Helen, Josephine L., Cyrus and George.

    Joseph L. Hewlett was a gentleman who never sought the honors of public life. He was always an admirer of the beautiful in nature and became a farmer from the love of rural pursuits. He was a conservative Democrat of the old school and in his religious life a worthy member of the Protestant Episcopal church and contributed liberally to the erection of Christ church at Manhasset. In personal appearance he was a nobleman, a gentleman of pleasing address with an intelligent active mind.

    Jacob C Hewlett, born at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, September 23, 1800, died at that place, December 28, 1879. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers in their respective sections. He was the lineal descendant of George Hewlett, who was actively engaged in the early settlement of Hempstead Long Island.

    John Hewlett, from whom Jacob C descended, and who is designated as John the first, settled in Rockaway. His wife bore the name of Mary Smith, and they had a son John, called John Hewlett second. He married Hannah Jackson daughter of Colonel John and Elizabeth Jackson, who resided at Jerusalem, Long Island. After his marriage he bought a tract of land located in East Woods, now known as Woodbury. Here he settled and remained until his death, May 5, 1790, aged ninety years. Among his children he left a son John, who was born February 17, 1731, and was designated as John Hewlett third. He married Sarah Townsend, a daughter of Rumoan and Mary Townsend, and died April 4, 1812, while his wife died September 9, 1808. They had seven children, one of whom was Devine, father of Jacob C. Devine Hewlett married Annie Coles, daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Cock) Coles, and they became the parents of twelve children: Sarah who married John Hewlett for her first husband and Singleton Mitchell for her second; Amelia, wife of Thomas Coles; Loretta, who married John H Tones; Elizabeth, wife of Henry Scudder; Martha; a son who died in childhood; Hannah, who married Thomas Harrison; Phoebe; John D, who married first Jane P Townsend and second Elizabeth T Townsend; William; and Margaret Ann, who married Edward K Bryar.

    Jacob C Hewlett married Elizabeth Jones, daughter of John and Hannah Jones, who was born December 9 ,1798, and died at Cold Spring Harbor January 13, 1869. Their children were: Mary E, who married Townsend Jones, by whom she had three children, -- Townsend, who married Catherine S Howard, John and Thomas; John D, who married Harriet A Harrison for his first wife and Emma E Labagh for his second; Sarah, who married William E Jones, by whom she had the following children: Sarah, Sarah E, Florence L, and William E; Walter R, who married Henrietta Muhl and had five children, -- Walter J., Phoebe E., Louis, Robert and Henrietta A; and Phoebe, wife of John E Chase. 
    Linked to
    Individuals: 16
    BRYER, Edward K
    HEWLETT, Jacob C
    HEWLETT, John II
    HEWLETT, Margaret Ann
    HEWLETT, Martha
    HEWLETT, Phoebe
    HEWLETT, William
    JONES, Elisabeth Hewlett
    JONES, John
    JONES, John
    TOWNSEND, Elisabeth T
    TOWNSEND, Jane P
    TOWNSEND, Sarah 
    Linked to
    Families: 10
    Family: COLES, Thomas / HEWLETT, Amelia
    Family: HEWLETT, Judge Devine / COLES, Anne
    Family: HEWLETT, John Coles / HEWLETT, Sarah
    Family: MITCHELL, Judge Singleton / HEWLETT, Sarah
    Family: JONES, John Hewlett / HEWLETT, Loretta
    Family: SCUDDER, Henry / HEWLETT, Elisabeth
    Family: HARRISON, Thomas / HEWLETT, Hannah
    Family: HEWLETT, John Divine / TOWNSEND, Elisabeth T
    Family: HEWLETT, John Divine / TOWNSEND, Jane P
    Family: BRYER, Edward K / HEWLETT, Margaret Ann 

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