Male 1951 - 2018  (66 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1951: The word 'brainwashing' is coined
  • 1951: Color TV Introduced
  • 1951: South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race
  • 1951: Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII
  • 1951: Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain
  • 1952: The Mousetrap opens Nov 25
  • 1952: Car Seat Belts Introduced
  • 1952: Jacques Cousteau Discovers Ancient Greek Ship
  • 1952: Polio Vaccine Created
  • 1952: Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25
  • 1953: Waiting for Godot debuts in Paris
  • 1953: DNA Discovered
  • 1953: Hillary and Norgay Climb Mt. Everest
  • 1953: Joseph Stalin Dies
  • 1953: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage
  • 1954: Raymond Kroc buys McDonald's franchise rights and begins the global proliferation of golden arches.
  • 1954: Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman
  • 1954: First Atomic Submarine Launched
  • 1954: Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer
  • 1954: Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile
  • 1954: Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.
  • 1955: ITV formed
  • 1955: Disneyland Opens
  • 1955: James Dean Dies in Car Accident
  • 1955: McDonald's Corporation Founded
  • 1955: Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus
  • 1955: Warsaw Pact Signed
  • 1956: Eurovision Song Contest starts
  • 1956: Elvis Gyrates on Ed Sullivan's Show
  • 1956: Grace Kelly Marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco
  • 1956: Hungarian Revolution
  • 1956: Khrushchev Denounces Stalin
  • 1956: Suez Crisis
  • 1956: T.V. Remote Control Invented
  • 1956: Velcro Introduced
  • 1957: The Space Age begins as the Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 - the first satellite
  • 1957: Dr. Seuss Publishes 'The Cat in the Hat'
  • 1957: European Economic Community Established
  • 1957: Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age
  • 1957: Laika Becomes the First Living Animal to Orbit Space
  • 1958: UNIMATE is first industrial robot
  • 1958: Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize
  • 1958: Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Launches the 'Great Leap Forward'
  • 1958: Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian
  • 1958: Hula Hoops Become Popular
  • 1958: Lego Toy Bricks First Introduced
  • 1958: NASA Founded
  • 1959: Beyond the Fringe' debuts in Edinburgh
  • 1959: Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba
  • 1959: International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve
  • 1959: Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev
  • 1959: The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway
  • 1959: U.S. Quiz Shows Found to be Fixed
10 1960 
  • 1960: Launch of 'Coronation Street'
  • 1960: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Released
  • 1960: Brazil's Capital Moves to Brand New City
  • 1960: Lasers Invented
11 1961 
  • 1961: Adolf Eichmann on Trial for Role in Holocaust
  • 1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion
  • 1961: Berlin Wall Built
  • 1961: Peace Corps Founded
  • 1961: Soviets Launch First Man in Space
12 1962 
  • 1962: Movie Actress Marilyn Monroe dies of an overdose of sleeping pills.
  • 1962: Andy Warhol Exhibits His Campbell's Soup Can
  • 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
  • 1962: First Person Killed Trying to Cross the Berlin Wall
  • 1962: Marilyn Monroe Found Dead
  • 1962: Rachel Carson Publishes 'Silent Spring'
13 1963 
  • 1963: U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • 1963: Betty Friedan Publishes 'The Feminine Mystique'
  • 1963: JFK Assassinated
  • 1963: Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His 'I Have a Dream' Speech
14 1964 
  • 1964: Beatles Become Popular in U.S.
  • 1964: Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) Becomes World Heavyweight Champion
  • 1964: Civil Rights Act Passes in U.S.
  • 1964: Hasbro Launches GI Joe Action Figure
  • 1964: Nelson Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison
15 1965 
  • 1965: The United States begins air raids in Vietnam, committing 190,000 U.S. troops there by year's end.
  • 1965: Cigarette ads banned on UK television
  • 1965: Japan's Bullet Train Opens
  • 1965: Los Angeles Riots
  • 1965: U.S. Sends Troops to Vietnam
16 1966 
  • 1966: Private theatre clubs lose immunity from censorship
  • 1966: World Cup won by England at Wembley (4-2 in extra time v West Germany)
  • 1966: Aberfan disaster - slag heap slip kills 144, incl. 116 children
  • 1966: Black Panther Party Established
  • 1966: Mao Zedong Launches the Cultural Revolution
  • 1966: Mass Draft Protests in U.S.
  • 1966: Star Trek T.V. Series Airs
17 1967 
  • 1967: Three US astronauts killed in fire during launch pad test
  • 1967: First colour TV in Britain
  • 1967: First human heart transplant in South Africa by Christiaan Barnard
  • 1967: Che Guevara Killed
  • 1967: First Heart Transplant
  • 1967: Six-Day War in the Middle East
  • 1967: Stalin's Daughter Defects
  • 1967: Three U.S. Astronauts Killed During Simulated Launch
18 1968 
  • 1968: Student riots in Paris
  • 1968: Severe flooding in England
  • 1968: Pope encyclical condemns all artificial forms of birth control
  • 1968: Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
  • 1968: Prague Spring
  • 1968: Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated
  • 1968: Tet Offensive
19 1969 
  • 1969: John Lennon returns OBE due to government's support of Vietnam War
  • 1969: America lands man on the Moon
  • 1969: Voting age lowered from 21 to 18 in UK
  • 1969: ARPANET, the Precursor of the Internet, Created
  • 1969: Charles Manson and 'Family' Arrested
  • 1969: Neil Armstrong Becomes the First Man on the Moon
  • 1969: Rock-and-Roll Concert at Woodstock
  • 1969: Yasser Arafat Becomes Leader of the PLO
20 1970 
  • 1970: Damages awarded to Thalidomide victims
  • 1970: American Soldiers Accused of Murdering Entire Town of Vietnamese Civilians
  • 1970: Aswan High Dam Completed
  • 1970: Beatles Break Up
  • 1970: Computer Floppy Disks Introduced
  • 1970: Palestinian Group Hijacks Five Planes
  • 1970: Protesting Students at Kent State Shot
21 1971 
  • 1971: Intel builds the microprocessor, "a computer on a chip"
  • 1971: Decimalisation of coinage in Britain
  • 1971: Bomb explodes in London's Post Office tower
  • 1971: London Bridge sold to the U.S.
  • 1971: United Kingdom Changes to Decimal System for Currency
  • 1971: VCRs Introduced
22 1972 
  • 1972: First handheld calculator, from Texas Instruments
  • 1972: Power workers strike crisis
  • 1972: Miners call off crippling coal strike
  • 1972: M*A*S*H T.V. Shows Premiers
  • 1972: Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals
  • 1972: Pocket Calculators Introduced
  • 1972: Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich
  • 1972: Watergate Scandal Begins
23 1973 
  • 1973: The Internet was originally set up by the U.S. Department of Defense
  • 1973: Britain enters EEC Common Market with Ireland and Denmark
  • 1973: Miners strike and oil crisis precipitate 'three-day week' until Mar 1974 to conserve power
  • 1973: Paul Getty Kidnapped
  • 1973: Sears Tower Built
  • 1973: U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam
  • 1973: U.S. Vice President Resigns
24 1974 
  • 1974: OPEC oil shock
  • 1974: President Nixon resigns over Watergate scandal
  • 1974: Halie Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Deposed
  • 1974: Mikhail Baryshnikov Defects
  • 1974: Terracotta Army Discovered in China
  • 1974: U.S. President Nixon Resigns
25 1975 
  • 1975: End of Vietnam war
  • 1975: Equal Pay Act and Sex Discrimination Act come into force in UK
  • 1975: Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon
  • 1975: Civil War in Lebanon
  • 1975: Microsoft Founded
  • 1975: Pol Pot Becomes the Communist Dictator of Cambodia
26 1976 
  • 1976: First Apple computer
  • 1976: Viking Lander lands on Mars
  • 1976: NASA's Viking Lander lands on Mars, starts looking for alien life
  • 1976: Long hot summer in UK. Parliament introduces Drought Act
  • 1976: Nadia Comaneci Given Seven Perfect Tens
  • 1976: North and South Vietnam Join to Form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • 1976: Tangshan Earthquake Kills Over 240,000
27 1977 
  • 1977: The Centre National d'Art et de la Culture Georges-Pompidou (Pompidou Centre or "Beaubourg"), a Hi-Tech metal-framework building designed by Richard Rogers, is completed in Paris and proves immensely popular.
  • 1977: UK road speed limits set at 70mph for dual roads; 60mph single
  • 1977: Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Silver Jubilee
  • 1977: 'Star Wars' fever invades Britain as thousands flock to cinemas to watch the long-awaited sci-fi blockbuster
  • 1977: Elvis Found Dead
  • 1977: Miniseries Roots Airs
  • 1977: South African Anti-Apartheid Leader Steve Biko Tortured to Death
  • 1977: Star Wars Movie Released
28 1978 
  • 1978: World's first 'test tube' baby, Louise Browne born in Oldham
  • 1978: Writer and broadcaster Georgi Markov dies after an assassin stabs him with a poisoned umbrella at a London bus stop.
  • 1978: Pope John Paul II elected by cardinals: first non-Italian for 450 years
  • 1978: First Test-Tube Baby Born
  • 1978: John Paul II Becomes Pope
  • 1978: Jonestown Massacre
29 1979 
  • 1979: Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister to 1990 (Conservative)
  • 1979: Public sector strike paralyses UK
  • 1979: Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman UK Prime Minister
  • 1979: Ayatollah Khomeini Returns as Leader of Iran
  • 1979: Iran Takes American Hostages in Tehran
  • 1979: Margaret Thatcher First Woman Prime Minister of Great Britain
  • 1979: Mother Theresa Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1979: Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island
  • 1979: Sony Introduces the Walkman
30 1980 
  • 1980: Arthur Fry, a chemist for 3M, invented the Post-It note
  • 1980: Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran
  • 1980: John Lennon Assassinated
  • 1980: Mount St. Helens Erupts
  • 1980: Rubik's Cube Popular
  • 1980: Ted Turner Establishes CNN
  • 1980: Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran
31 1981 
  • 1981: First US Space Shuttle (Columbia) launched
  • 1981: Worst April blizzards of 20th century in Britain
  • 1981: Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer
  • 1981: Assassination Attempt on the Pope
  • 1981: Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan
  • 1981: Millions Watch Royal Wedding on T.V.
  • 1981: New Plague Identified as AIDS
  • 1981: Pac-Man is Extremely Popular
  • 1981: Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM
32 1982 
  • 1982: Argentina invades Falkland Islands
  • 1982: Unemployment reaches 3 million in Britain
  • 1982: Women's peace protests against cruise missiles begin at Greenham Common
  • 1982: E.T. Movie Released
  • 1982: Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina
  • 1982: King Henry VIII's Ship the Mary Rose Raised After 437 Years
  • 1982: Reverend Sun Myung Moon Marries 2,075 Couples at Madison Square Garden
33 1983 
  • 1983: Margaret Thatcher wins landslide second term election victory, taking 397 seats to Labour's 209
  • 1983: ?1 coin goes into circulation in Britain
  • 1983: Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars
  • 1983: Soviets Shoot Down a Korean Airliner
34 1984 
  • 1984: Miners' strike in UK - High Court orders sequestration of NUM assets
  • 1984: Huge Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal, India
  • 1984: Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, Killed by Two Bodyguards
35 1985 
  • 1985: BBC launches 'EastEnders' as soap rival to 'Coronation Street'
  • 1985: Famine in Ethiopia
  • 1985: Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered
  • 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika
  • 1985: Wreck of the Titanic Found
36 1986 
  • 1986: US bombing of Libya
  • 1986: Chernobyl nuclear accident in USSR
  • 1986: LiveAid, the biggest music event staged to date
  • 1986: Seven dead in 'Challenger' space shuttle disaster
  • 1986: Challenger Space Shuttle Explodes
  • 1986: Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
  • 1986: Ferdinand Marcos Flees the Philippines
  • 1986: Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds
  • 1986: U.S. Bombs Libya
  • 1986: U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station
37 1987 
  • 1987: Margaret Thatcher wins record third term as UK prime minister
  • 1987: DNA First Used to Convict Criminals
  • 1987: Klaus Barbie, the Nazi Butcher of Lyons, Sentenced to Life in Prison
  • 1987: New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on 'Black Monday'
  • 1987: West German Pilot Lands Unchallenged in Russia's Red Square
38 1988 
  • 1988: Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over Lockerbie
  • 1988: U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Airliner
39 1989 
  • 1989: Berlin Wall Falls
  • 1989: Exxon Valdez Spills Millions of Gallons of Oil on Coastline
  • 1989: Students Massacred in China's Tiananmen Square
40 1990 
  • 1990: John Major Prime Minister to 1997 (Conservative)
  • 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait, triggering first gulf war
  • 1990: Violence flares in London Poll Tax demonstration
  • 1990: Margaret Thatcher quits as UK prime minister
  • 1990: Leading anti-apartheid campaigner Nelson Mandela freed from prison in South Africa after 27 years
  • 1990: Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space
  • 1990: Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland
  • 1990: Nelson Mandela Freed
41 1991 
  • 1991: Bronze Age Man Found Frozen in Glacier
  • 1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • 1991: Operation Desert Storm
  • 1991: South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws
42 1992 
  • 1992: Official End of the Cold War
43 1993 
  • 1993: Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided
  • 1993: Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially
  • 1993: World Trade Center Bombed
44 1994 
  • 1994: Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France
  • 1994: Lorena Bobbit Takes Brutal Revenge
  • 1994: Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa
  • 1994: O.J. Simpson Arrested for Double Murder
  • 1994: Rwandan Genocide Begins
45 1995 
  • 1995: Ebola Virus Spreads in Zaire
  • 1995: Gas Attack in Tokyo Subway
  • 1995: Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated
46 1996 
  • 1996: Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain
  • 1996: Two Royal Divorces
47 1997 
  • 1997: UK General Election: Labour routs Tories and Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister
  • 1997: Hale-Bopp Comet Visible
  • 1997: Hong Kong Returned to China
  • 1997: Pathfinder Sends Back Images of Mars
  • 1997: Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash
  • 1997: Scientists Clone Sheep
48 1998 
  • 1998: India and Pakistan Test Nuclear Weapons
  • 1998: Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever
  • 1998: U.S. President Clinton Impeached
  • 1998: Viagra on the Market
49 1999 
  • 1999: The Euro the New European Currency
  • 1999: Fear of Y2K Bug
  • 1999: Killing Spree at Columbine High School
  • 1999: NATO Attacks Serbia
  • 1999: Panama Canal Returns to Panama
50 2000 
  • 2000: Fuel protests paralyse Britain for seven days
  • 2000: World celebrates New Millennium: UK opens unpopular dome visitor attraction at Greenwich
51 2001 
  • 2001: 11 SEP attacks on US
  • 2001: Outbreak of Foot & Mouth disease in UK. Millions of animals slaughtered and burned across the nation
  • 2001: General Election - Labour returned to power in UK
52 2002 
  • 2002: The Queen Mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon dies, aged 101 years
53 2005 
  • 2005: UK General election returns Labour to power for third term under Tony Blair

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