GARNER, Lester Gail

GARNER, Lester Gail

Male 1887 - 1949  (61 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1887: Emile Berliner patents the gramophone
  • 1887: Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden Jubilee. The Independent Labour Party is founded. The British East Africa Company is chartered
  • 1887: UK telegraph companies control 107,000 miles of submarine cable
  • 1887: There are estimated to be 5,400 cash registers in US (increases to 16,900 in 1890)
  • 1888: Celluloid photographic film introduced
  • 1888: The County Councils' Act establishes representative county based authorities
  • 1888: Kodak box camera
  • 1888: Coin-operated public telephone
  • 1889: London Dockers' Strike. The British South Africa Company is chartered
  • 1889: The Eiffel Tower, designed by French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, is completed for the Paris Exposition.
  • 1889: First Official Secrets Act in UK
  • 1892: Leon Bouly invents cinematographic film camera
  • 1892: Gladstone forms his fourth Liberal government
  • 1893: Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zip to help a friend with a stiff back who could not bend over to do up his shoes
  • 1893: Second Irish Home Rule Bill fails to pass the House of Lords
  • 1893: New Zealand becomes the first nation to grant women the right to vote
  • 1893: Car number plates introduced in France
  • 1894: Rosebery takes power with his minority Liberal government
  • 1895: Oscar Wilde jailed
  • 1895: Wilhelm Conrad R?ntgen, using a Crookes' tube, observed a new form of penetrating radiation, which he named X-rays
  • 1895: Guglielmo Marconi sent longwave wireless telegraphic, or radio, signals over a distance of more than a mile
  • 1895: Salisbury forms his third Unionist ministry
  • 1895: Kellogg's Corn Flakes go on sale
  • 1896: Freud suggested analyzing childhood conflicts in the study of neuroses. He also devised a psychoanalytic technique called 'free association' which allows emotionally-charged, repressed material to be consciously recognized
  • 1896: The British conquest of the Sudan begins
  • 1896: Lightner Witmer establishes at the University of Pennsylvania a clinic of psychology, the first psychological clinic in America and perhaps in the world
  • 1897: Queen Victoria celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
  • 1897: Telephone penetration in US is 7 per 1,000 people
10 1898 
  • 1898: Christopher Latham Sholes patented the typewriter. His QWERTY keyboard is still with us today.
  • 1898: British rule over Sudan fully established. German Naval expansion begins
  • 1898: Campbell's soups first appear with red and white labels, colors suggested by Cornell University's football uniforms.
11 1899 
  • 1899: British disasters in South Africa
  • 1899: Boer War begins in South Africa and lasts three years
12 1900 
  • 1900: Salisbury wins the 'Khaki' election. The Labour Representation Committee is formed. Parliament passes the Commonwealth of Australia Act
  • 1900: Max Planck proposes quantum theory
  • 1900: There are reckoned to be 6,000 accountants in England
  • 1900: Australia Becomes a Commonwealth
  • 1900: Boxer Rebellion in China
  • 1900: Italy's King Assassinated
  • 1900: Kodak Introduces $1 Brownie Cameras
  • 1900: Max Planck Formulates Quantum Theory
  • 1900: Sigmund Freud Publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
13 1901 
  • 1901: Willis H. Carrier invented the industrial air conditioner
  • 1901: Vacuum Cleaner invented by Hubert Cecil Booth
  • 1901: Death of Queen Victoria. She is succeeded by her son, Prince Albert, as King Edward VII
  • 1901: Marconi sends wireless message from Cornwall to Newfoundland
  • 1901: First Nobel Prizes Awarded
  • 1901: First Trans-Atlantic Radio Signal
  • 1901: U.S. President McKinley Assassinated
14 1902 
  • 1902: Invention of the Teddy Bear
  • 1902: Boer War Ends
  • 1902: Mount Pel?e Erupts
  • 1902: The Teddy Bear is Introduced
15 1903 
  • 1903: Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright achieved flight in a manned, gasoline power-driven, heavier-than-air flying machine.
  • 1903: First Flight at Kitty Hawk
  • 1903: First Message to Travel Around the World
  • 1903: First Silent Movie, The Great Train Robbery
  • 1903: Plague in India
16 1904 
  • 1904: First telephone answering machine
  • 1904: Beatrix Potter's 'The Tale of Benjamin Bunny' is published
  • 1904: First Popular American Film
  • 1904: Ground Broken on Panama Canal
  • 1904: New York City Subway Opens
  • 1904: Russo-Japanese War Begins
  • 1904: Trans-Siberian Railway Completed
17 1905 
  • 1905: Einstein evolved the Special Theory of relativity.
  • 1905: Aliens Act in Britain tries to control immigration
  • 1905: Bloody Sunday - Russian Revolution of 1905
  • 1905: Einstein Proposes His Theory of Relativity
  • 1905: Freud Publishes His Theory of Sexuality
18 1906 
  • 1906: Finland First European Country to Give Women the Right to Vote
  • 1906: Kellogg's Starts Selling Corn Flakes
  • 1906: San Francisco Earthquake
  • 1906: Upton Sinclair Writes The Jungle
19 1907 
  • 1907: Electric washing machine - The Thor - on sale
  • 1907: Ten Rules of War Established at the Second Hague Peace Conference
  • 1907: First Electric Washing Machine
  • 1907: Picasso Introduces Cubism
  • 1907: Typhoid Mary Captured for the First Time
20 1908 
  • 1908: Henry Ford created the Model T automobile
  • 1908: Electric iron and toaster patented
  • 1908: Earthquake in Italy Kills 150,000
  • 1908: Ford Introduces the Model-T
  • 1908: Three Year-Old Pu Yi Becomes Emperor of China
  • 1908: Turks Revolt in the Ottoman Empire
21 1909 
  • 1909: French Engineer Louis Bleriot is first to cross the English Channel in an airplane
  • 1909: Pianos reach maximum market penetration in UK households at one per ten people
  • 1909: 800 million postcards sold in England
  • 1909: Japan's Prince Ito is Assassinated
  • 1909: Plastic Is Invented
  • 1909: Robert Peary Becomes the First to Reach the North Pole
22 1910 
  • 1910: Georges Claude discovered that electricity conducted through a tube of the rare inert gas, neon, gives a bright red glow and that other gases gave off other colors, e.g., argon gives blue, helium gives yellow and white, etc.
  • 1910: First live opera broadcast
  • 1910: Halley's Comet Makes an Appearance
  • 1910: The Tango Catches On
23 1911 
  • 1911: British National Insurance Act lays foundation for health and unemployment insurance
  • 1911: The Chinese Revolution
  • 1911: Ernest Rutherford Discovers the Structure of an Atom
  • 1911: Greenwich Mean Time Adopted
  • 1911: The Incan City of Machu Picchu Discovered
  • 1911: Mona Lisa Is Stolen
  • 1911: Roald Amundsen Reaches the South Pole
  • 1911: Standard Oil Company Broken Up
  • 1911: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Catches on Fire
24 1912 
  • 1912: The Sinking of the Titanic 1,515 people lose their lives.
  • 1912: Parachutes Invented
  • 1912: Piltdown Man, the 'Missing Link,' Discovered (Fraud)
  • 1912: SOS Accepted as Universal Distress Signal
  • 1912: The Titanic Sinks
25 1913 
  • 1913: Leo Baekeland invented a plastic laminate, known as Bakelite, and later as 'formica'.
  • 1913: First assembly line introduced in Ford automobile factory
  • 1913: The "Armory Show," an international display of some 1600 works of modern art, and one of the more important U.S. art exhibitions ever held, opens at the 69th-regiment armory in New York City; it arouses public curiosity, generates sensational news coverage, and helps change the direction of American art
  • 1913: First Crossword Puzzle
  • 1913: Henry Ford Creates Assembly Line
  • 1913: Personal Income Tax Introduced in U.S.
26 1914 
  • 1914: First World War starts
  • 1914: Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated
  • 1914: Battle of the Marne
  • 1914: Charlie Chaplin First Appeared as the Little Tramp
  • 1914: First Traffic Light
  • 1914: Panama Canal Officially Opened
  • 1914: World War I Begins
27 1915 
  • 1915: Armenian Genocide
  • 1915: D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation Released
  • 1915: Germans Use Poison Gas as a Weapon
  • 1915: Lusitania Sunk by German U-Boat
  • 1915: Second Battle of Ypres
28 1916 
  • 1916: Navy employs animal trainer 'Captain' Joseph Woodward's music hall sea lions for U-boat sabotage.
  • 1916: Coca-Cola adopts a distinctive bottle which identifies the company internationally
  • 1916: Battle of the Somme
  • 1916: Battle of Verdun
  • 1916: Easter Rising in Ireland
  • 1916: First Self-Service Grocery Store Opens in U.S.
29 1917 
  • 1917: Bolshevik revolution in Russia installs a new government headed by V.I. Lennin
  • 1917: French artist Marcel Duchamp submits a porcelain urinal, signed "R. Mutt" and titled "Fountain," to the New York Independents Exhibition; it is rejected.
  • 1917: First Pulitzer Prizes Awarded
  • 1917: Mata Hari Executed for Being a Spy
  • 1917: Russian Revolution
  • 1917: U.S. Enters World War I
30 1918 
  • 1918: Influenza Epidemic
  • 1918: Russian Czar Nicholas II and His Family are Killed
31 1919 
  • 1919: Eddington and Frank W. Dyson measured the bending of starlight by the gravitational pull of the sun, thus confirming Einstein's general theory of relativity
  • 1919: Prohibition Begins in the U.S.
  • 1919: Treaty of Versailles Ends World War I
32 1920 
  • 1920: Bubonic Plague in India
  • 1920: League of Nations Established
33 1921 
  • 1921: Stage debut of John Gielgud
  • 1921: Extreme Inflation in Germany
  • 1921: Irish Free State Proclaimed
  • 1921: Lie Detector Invented
34 1922 
  • 1922: BBC launched as limited company
  • 1922: Kemal Atat?rk Founds Modern Turkey
  • 1922: Tomb of King Tut Discovered
  • 1922: Michael Collins Killed in Ambush
  • 1922: Mussolini Marches on Rome
  • 1922: The Reader's Digest Published
35 1923 
  • 1923: Electrolux produced the first electric refrigerator
  • 1923: Kodak introduces home movie equipment
  • 1923: Charleston Dance Becomes Popular
  • 1923: Hitler Jailed After Failed Coup
  • 1923: Ruhr Occupied by French and Belgian Forces
  • 1923: Talking Movies Invented
  • 1923: Teapot Dome Scandal
36 1924 
  • 1924: First Olympic Winter Games
  • 1924: Leopold and Loeb Murder a Neighbor Out of Boredom
  • 1924: V.I. Lenin Dies
37 1925 
  • 1925: Flapper Dresses in Style
  • 1925: Hitler Publishes 'Mein Kampf'
38 1926 
  • 1926: General Strike in UK
  • 1926: The first automatic traffic light was installed in Wolverhampton, England. It remained in service until 1968
  • 1926: A.A. Milne Publishes Winnie-the-Pooh
  • 1926: Houdini Dies After Being Punched
  • 1926: Robert Goddard Fires His First Liquid-Fuel Rocket
  • 1926: A Woman Swims the English Channel
39 1927 
  • 1927: The Jazz Singer - first film talking movie released
  • 1927: Philo Farnsworth and John Logie Baird demonstrate television
  • 1927: Babe Ruth Makes Home-Run Record
  • 1927: BBC Founded
  • 1927: The First Talking Movie, The Jazz Singer
  • 1927: Lindbergh Flies Solo Across the Atlantic
40 1928 
  • 1928: George Eastman devises a process for color photography; it leads to the first successful three-color roll film available to amateur photographers when it appears in 1935 as Kodachrome (for slides) and as Kodacolor (for prints) in 1942.
  • 1928: First Mickey Mouse cartoon
  • 1928: Bubble Gum Invented
  • 1928: First 'Mickey Mouse' Cartoon
  • 1928: First Oxford English Dictionary Published
  • 1928: Kellogg-Briand Treaty Outlaws War
  • 1928: Penicillin Discovered
41 1929 
  • 1929: First UK television broadcast
  • 1929: Frank Whittle, combining the concepts of rocket propulsion and gas turbines, invented jet propulsion. Independently, Hans von Ohain put together the same combination in 1933
  • 1929: Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
  • 1929: Byrd and Bennett Fly Over South Pole
  • 1929: Car Radio Invented
  • 1929: First Academy Awards
  • 1929: New York Stock Market Crashes
  • 1929: St. Valentine's Day Massacre
42 1930 
  • 1930: Gandhi's Salt March
  • 1930: Pluto Discovered
  • 1930: Sliced Bread Available
  • 1930: Stalin Begins Collectivizing Agriculture in the U.S.S.R.
43 1931 
  • 1931: Al Capone Imprisoned for Income Tax Evasion
  • 1931: Auguste Piccard Reaches Stratosphere
  • 1931: Christ Monument Built on Rio de Janeiro Hilltop
  • 1931: Empire State Building Completed
  • 1931: U.S. Officially Gets National Anthem
44 1932 
  • 1932: Air Conditioning Invented
  • 1932: Amelia Earhardt First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic
  • 1932: Scientists Split the Atom
  • 1932: Zippo Lighters Introduced
45 1933 
  • 1933: First Mars bar
  • 1933: Singing telegrams introduced
  • 1933: Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • 1933: FDR Launches New Deal
  • 1933: First Nazi Concentration Camp Established
  • 1933: Loch Ness Monster First Spotted
  • 1933: Prohibition Ends in the U.S.
  • 1933: Wiley Post Flies Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
46 1934 
  • 1934: Konrad Zuse built a series of computers, Z1 through Z4, utilizing binary arithmetic and stored programs. Along the way he invented the first programming language and began to analyze methods by which a computer could play chess
  • 1934: The first comic books appear on newsstands, beginning in the United States.
  • 1934: Bonnie and Clyde Killed by Police
  • 1934: Cheeseburger Created
  • 1934: The Dust Bowl
  • 1934: Mao Zedong Begins the Long March
  • 1934: Parker Brothers Sells the Game 'Monopoly'
47 1935 
  • 1935: First 'Kit Kat' sold in UK
  • 1935: Alcoholics Anonymous Founded
  • 1935: Germany Issues the Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws
  • 1935: John Maynard Keynes Suggests New Economic Theory
48 1936 
  • 1936: BBC starts regular TV broadcasts
  • 1936: Carnegie Publishes 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'
  • 1936: King Edward VIII Abdicates
  • 1936: Nazi Olympics in Berlin
  • 1936: Spanish Civil War Begins
49 1937 
  • 1937: German planes, aiding insurgents in the Spanish Civil War, bomb the historic Basque town of Guernica in Northern Spain, killing women and children and inflaming world opinion against facism.
  • 1937: Hindenburg airship crash broadcast coast to coast in US
  • 1937: Amelia Earhart Vanishes
  • 1937: Golden Gate Bridge Opened
  • 1937: The Hindenberg Disaster
  • 1937: Japan Invades China
50 1938 
  • 1938: UK's first weekly radio comedy series, Band Wagon
  • 1938: Biro brothers invent ballpoint pen
  • 1938: Broadcast of 'The War of the Worlds' Causes Panic
  • 1938: Chamberlain Announces 'Peace in Our Time'
  • 1938: Extinct Fish Found
  • 1938: Hitler Annexes Austria
  • 1938: The Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)
51 1939 
  • 1939: Second World War starts
  • 1939: First Commercial Flight Over the Atlantic
  • 1939: German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Signed
  • 1939: Helicopter Invented
  • 1939: Refugees on the St. Louis Refused Entry Everywhere
  • 1939: World War II Begins
52 1940 
  • 1940: London Blitz
  • 1940: Igor Sikorsky invented the heliocopter
  • 1940: Disney's 'Fantasia'
  • 1940: Battle of Britain
  • 1940: Leon Trotsky Assassinated
  • 1940: Nylons on the Market
  • 1940: Stone Age Cave Paintings Found in France
53 1941 
  • 1941: Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
  • 1941: Jeep Invented
  • 1941: Manhattan Project Begins
  • 1941: Mount Rushmore Completed
  • 1941: Nazi Rudolf Hess Flies to Britain on a Peace Mission
  • 1941: Siege of Leningrad
54 1942 
  • 1942: Battle of Midway
  • 1942: Battle of Stalingrad
  • 1942: Japanese-Americans Held in Camps
  • 1942: Nazis Raze Town in Retaliation for Reinhard Heydrich's Death
  • 1942: T-shirt Introduced
55 1943 
  • 1943: Autism identified
  • 1943: French Resistance Leader Jean Moulin Killed
  • 1943: Italy Joins the Allies
  • 1943: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
56 1944 
  • 1944: Ballpoint Pens Go On Sale
  • 1944: D-Day
  • 1944: First German V1 and V2 Rockets Fired
  • 1944: Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt
57 1945 
  • 1945: Second World War ends
  • 1945: The Atomic Age begins with atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War II
  • 1945: Allied troops liberate Nazi death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau (January 26), Buchenwald (April 11), and Dachau (April 24), providing the world with the first photographic evidence of the horrific atrocities committed there
  • 1945: First Computer Built
  • 1945: Germans Surrender
  • 1945: Hitler Commits Suicide
  • 1945: Microwave Oven Invented
  • 1945: United Nations Founded
  • 1945: U.S. Drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
58 1946 
  • 1946: ENIAC computer makes 5,000 additions in one second
  • 1946: Bikinis Introduced
  • 1946: Dr. Spock Publishes 'The Common Book of Baby and Child Care'
  • 1946: Juan Per?n Becomes President of Argentina
  • 1946: Nuremberg Trials
  • 1946: Winston Churchill Gives His 'Iron Curtain' Speech
59 1947 
  • 1947: Invention of transistor
  • 1947: Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier
  • 1947: Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered
  • 1947: Jewish Refugees Aboard the Exodus Turned Back by British
  • 1947: Marshall Plan
  • 1947: Polaroid Cameras Invented
60 1948 
  • 1948: Life magazine makes American painter Jackson Pollock an overnight celebrity by devoting a three-page spread with color photographs to him and his paintings under the headline, "Jackson Pollock: Is He the Greatest Living Painter in the United States?"; Abstract Expressionism becomes a subject of widespread popular ridicule.
  • 1948: Berlin Airlift
  • 1948: Berlin Airlift
  • 1948: Big Bang Theory Formulated
  • 1948: Gandhi Assassinated
  • 1948: Policy of Apartheid Begun
  • 1948: State of Israel Founded
61 1949 
  • 1949: Mao proclaims Peoples Republic of China
  • 1949: China Becomes Communist
  • 1949: First Non-Stop Flight Around the World
  • 1949: George Orwell Publishes Nineteen Eight-Four
  • 1949: NATO Established
  • 1949: Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb

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