WAINWRIGHT, Joseph Graves

WAINWRIGHT, Joseph Graves

Male 1847 - 1902  (54 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1847: Flourens discovered the anesthetic properties of chloroform
  • 1847: Levi Strauss invents denim jeans
  • 1848: Major Chartist demonstration in London. Revolutions in Europe. Parliament passes the Public Health Act
  • 1848: Karl Marx publishes 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Das Kapital'
  • 1849: Howe patents the safety-pin
  • 1850: American Joel Houghton invented the first dishwasher. He made it out of wood, and gave it a hand-turned wheel that splashed water on the dishes inside. It didn't really work, but it did get the first "dishwasher" patent
  • 1850: First machine-made paper bag
  • 1851: The Great Exhibition is staged in Hyde Park. Thanks to Prince Albert, it is a great success
  • 1851: Patent for Singer sewing machine issued
  • 1852: Death of the Duke of Wellington. Derby's first minority Conservative government. Aberdeen's coalition government is established
  • 1853: Potato crisps invented by a cook named George Crum.
  • 1853: Florence Nightingale first recommended the regimen of cleanliness which dramatically reduced the death rate in hospitals
  • 1853: Vaccination against smallpox is made compulsory. Queen Victoria uses chloroform during birth of Prince Leopold. Gladstone presents his first budget
  • 1854: The Northcote-Trevelyan civil service report is published; and The Crimean War begins, as Britain and France attempt to defend European interests in the Middle East against Russia
  • 1855: John Snow, investigating London's piped water supply, showed graphically that cholera could be transmitted by water from a particular pump.
  • 1855: End of Aberdeen's coalition government. Palmerston's first government comes to power
  • 1855: Yale lock invented
10 1856 
  • 1856: Crimean War comes to an end. The Victoria Cross is instituted for military bravery
11 1857 
  • 1857: Cyrus Field made his first attempt at laying a trans-Atlantic telegraph cable. In 1866, his fourth attempt was successful.
  • 1857: The Second Opium War opens China to European trade. The Indian Mutiny erupts against British Rule on the sub-continent
12 1858 
  • 1858: Derby establishes his second minority government. Parliament passes the India Act
  • 1858: Eraser fitted to end of pencil
13 1859 
  • 1859: Darwin in 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life', asserted all life had a common ancestor and that the origin of species was natural selection
  • 1859: End of Derby's second minority government. Palmerston brings his second Liberal government to power.
  • 1859: Smiles' 'Self-Help' published
14 1860 
  • 1860: Joseph Wilson Swan invented the light bulb, an incandescent lamp using a carbon filament.
  • 1860: Gladstone's budget and the Anglo-French Cobden Treaty codifies and extends the principles of free trade
15 1861 
  • 1861: Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis published his deduction that childbirth fever was transmitted on the hands of doctors during their examinations
  • 1861: Death of Prince Albert, Prince Consort
16 1862 
  • 1862: Pasteur published the 'germ theory:': Infection is caused by self-replicating microorganisms, and that attenuated viral cultures granted immunity. These beneficent antigens he named 'vaccines' in honor of Jenner and his vaccinia virus
  • 1862: Parliament passes the Limited Liability Act in order to provide vital stimulus to accumulation of capital in shares
17 1863 
  • 1863: Edward, Prince of Wales, marries Princess Alexandra of Denmark. The Salvation Army is founded
18 1865 
  • 1865: Lister, using carbolic acid as antiseptic and sterilizing his instrument, proved the efficacy of antiseptic surgery
  • 1865: Death of Palmerston. Russell establishes his second Liberal government
  • 1865: Lewis Carroll publishes 'Alice's Adventure in Wonderland'
19 1866 
  • 1866: Gregor Mendel, in "Versuche ?ber Pflantenhybriden," interpreted heredity in terms of a pairing of dominant and/or recessive unit characters; that is, ones that could in practice be treated as indivisible and independent particles
  • 1866: Alfred Nobel patented dynamite
  • 1866: Russell and Gladstone fail to have their moderate Reform Bill passed in parliament. Derby takes power in his third minority Conservative government
20 1867 
  • 1867: Karl Marx, in Das Kapital, maintained the value, or exchange relation, of commodities is characterized by its alienation from its use-value, and thus its value as the product of human labor, which the capitalist treats as a variable and against which he accounts his surplus.
  • 1867: Derby and Disraeli's Second Reform Bill doubles the franchise to two million. Canada becomes the first independent dominion in the British Empire under the Dominion of Canada Act
21 1868 
  • 1868: Disraeli succeeds Derby as Prime Minister. Gladstone becomes Prime Minister for the first time
22 1869 
  • 1869: George M. Beard distinguished 'neurasthenia,' a nervous disease of men, from hysteria, a women's disease, as, in an earlier time, men's 'hypochondriasis' had been distinguished from women's ' vapeurs.' Subforms of neurasthenia came to be called phobias.
  • 1869: The Irish Church is disestablished. The Suez Canal is opened
23 1870 
  • 1870: Primary education becomes compulsory in Britain through the Forster-Ripon English Elementary Education Act. Parliament also passes the Women's Property Act, extending the rights of married women, and the Irish Land Act
  • 1870: First British postcard devised by Anthony Trollope
  • 1870: Wheeler introduces toilet paper roll in US
  • 1870: Inauguration of London to Calcutta telegraph line, first electronic link between Europe and India
24 1871 
  • 1871: Trade Unions are legalized
25 1872 
  • 1872: Secret voting is introduced for elections. Parliament passes the Scottish Education Act
26 1873 
  • 1873: Gladstone's government resigns after the defeat of their Irish Universities Bill. Disraeli declines to take up office instead
  • 1873: Parmalee invents automatic fire sprinklers
27 1874 
  • 1874: Disraeli becomes Conservative Prime Minister for the second time
28 1875 
  • 1875: Disraeli purchases a controlling interest for Britain in the Suez Canal. Agricultural depression increases
  • 1875: Parliament passes R.A. Cross's Conservative social reforms
29 1876 
  • 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  • 1876: Nikolas August Otto designed the first four-stroke piston engine
  • 1876: Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India. The massacre of Christians in Turkish Bulgaria leads to anti-Turkish campaigns in Britain, led by Gladstone
30 1877 
  • 1877: Confederation of British and Boer states established in South Africa
31 1878 
  • 1878: The Congress of Berlin is held. Disraeli announces 'peace with honour'
  • 1878: Edweard Muybridge photographs horse in motion
32 1879 
  • 1879: A trade depression emerges in Britain. The Zulu War is fought in South Africa. The British are defeated at Isandhlwana, but are victorious at Ulundi
  • 1879: Gladstone's Midlothian campaign denounces imperialism in South Africa and Afghanistan
33 1880 
  • 1880: Gladstone establishes his second Liberal government
  • 1880: The first Anglo-Boer War begins
34 1881 
  • 1881: Savoy Theatre introduces electric lighting
  • 1881: Parliament passes the Irish Land and Coercion Acts
  • 1881: Death of Billy the Kid
35 1882 
  • 1882: Britain occupies Egypt. A triple alliance is established between Germany, Austria and Italy
  • 1882: Standard Oil controls 95% of the U.S. oil refining capacity
  • 1882: Stillwell invents brown paper bag
36 1884 
  • 1884: Freud published a paper in which he found cocaine, an alkaloid in coca, effective against fatigue and neurasthenia.
  • 1884: Hilaire de Chardonnet invented the first artificial textile, which was made from cellulose. It was later named rayon
  • 1884: Parliament passes the third Reform Act which further extends the franchise
37 1885 
  • 1885: Death of General Gordon at Khartoum. Burma is annexed. Salisbury succeeds Gladstone with his first minority Conservative government. Parliament passes the Redistribution Act
38 1886 
  • 1886: Gladstone's third Liberal government fails to pass its first Irish Home Rule Bill through the House of Commons. Gladstone resigns as Prime Minister. Split in the Liberal Party. Salisbury establishes his second Conservative-Liberal-Unionist government. The Royal Niger Company is chartered. Gold is discovered in the Transvaal
  • 1886: Statue of Liberty erected in New York Harbour
  • 1886: Coca-Cola syrup invented
39 1887 
  • 1887: Emile Berliner patents the gramophone
  • 1887: Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden Jubilee. The Independent Labour Party is founded. The British East Africa Company is chartered
  • 1887: UK telegraph companies control 107,000 miles of submarine cable
  • 1887: There are estimated to be 5,400 cash registers in US (increases to 16,900 in 1890)
40 1888 
  • 1888: Celluloid photographic film introduced
  • 1888: The County Councils' Act establishes representative county based authorities
  • 1888: Kodak box camera
  • 1888: Coin-operated public telephone
41 1889 
  • 1889: London Dockers' Strike. The British South Africa Company is chartered
  • 1889: The Eiffel Tower, designed by French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, is completed for the Paris Exposition.
  • 1889: First Official Secrets Act in UK
42 1892 
  • 1892: Leon Bouly invents cinematographic film camera
  • 1892: Gladstone forms his fourth Liberal government
43 1893 
  • 1893: Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zip to help a friend with a stiff back who could not bend over to do up his shoes
  • 1893: Second Irish Home Rule Bill fails to pass the House of Lords
  • 1893: New Zealand becomes the first nation to grant women the right to vote
  • 1893: Car number plates introduced in France
44 1894 
  • 1894: Rosebery takes power with his minority Liberal government
45 1895 
  • 1895: Oscar Wilde jailed
  • 1895: Wilhelm Conrad R?ntgen, using a Crookes' tube, observed a new form of penetrating radiation, which he named X-rays
  • 1895: Guglielmo Marconi sent longwave wireless telegraphic, or radio, signals over a distance of more than a mile
  • 1895: Salisbury forms his third Unionist ministry
  • 1895: Kellogg's Corn Flakes go on sale
46 1896 
  • 1896: Freud suggested analyzing childhood conflicts in the study of neuroses. He also devised a psychoanalytic technique called 'free association' which allows emotionally-charged, repressed material to be consciously recognized
  • 1896: The British conquest of the Sudan begins
  • 1896: Lightner Witmer establishes at the University of Pennsylvania a clinic of psychology, the first psychological clinic in America and perhaps in the world
47 1897 
  • 1897: Queen Victoria celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
  • 1897: Telephone penetration in US is 7 per 1,000 people
48 1898 
  • 1898: Christopher Latham Sholes patented the typewriter. His QWERTY keyboard is still with us today.
  • 1898: British rule over Sudan fully established. German Naval expansion begins
  • 1898: Campbell's soups first appear with red and white labels, colors suggested by Cornell University's football uniforms.
49 1899 
  • 1899: British disasters in South Africa
  • 1899: Boer War begins in South Africa and lasts three years
50 1900 
  • 1900: Salisbury wins the 'Khaki' election. The Labour Representation Committee is formed. Parliament passes the Commonwealth of Australia Act
  • 1900: Max Planck proposes quantum theory
  • 1900: There are reckoned to be 6,000 accountants in England
  • 1900: Australia Becomes a Commonwealth
  • 1900: Boxer Rebellion in China
  • 1900: Italy's King Assassinated
  • 1900: Kodak Introduces $1 Brownie Cameras
  • 1900: Max Planck Formulates Quantum Theory
  • 1900: Sigmund Freud Publishes The Interpretation of Dreams
51 1901 
  • 1901: Willis H. Carrier invented the industrial air conditioner
  • 1901: Vacuum Cleaner invented by Hubert Cecil Booth
  • 1901: Death of Queen Victoria. She is succeeded by her son, Prince Albert, as King Edward VII
  • 1901: Marconi sends wireless message from Cornwall to Newfoundland
  • 1901: First Nobel Prizes Awarded
  • 1901: First Trans-Atlantic Radio Signal
  • 1901: U.S. President McKinley Assassinated
52 1902 
  • 1902: Invention of the Teddy Bear
  • 1902: Boer War Ends
  • 1902: Mount Pel?e Erupts
  • 1902: The Teddy Bear is Introduced

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